Table of content
- How to know the will of the Immaculata?
- How does God reveal to us what he expects of us?
- But how does this will of God manifest itself concretely in our everyday life?
1. How to know the will of the Immaculata?
DOES THE KNIGHT OF THE IMMACULATA have any guarantee that he will actually attain his great goal? Is there some firm foundation upon which he can build without hesitation, without fear
of making a mistake?
There is only one real certainty, which the Knight finds in faith alone: Man’s purpose is the honor and love of God, which consists in doing His will. When man knows the will of God and acts according to it, then he raises himself above the inconstancy and dubiousness of all earthly things and is firmly anchored in the un-changeable, infinite and eternal Divine Wisdom.
The one who can do the most for the cause of the Immaculata is the one who perfectly — indeed, most perfectly — does the will of God in everything.
Nay, more: someone who perfectly does God’s will can rightly say that he does so much that the almighty, infinite God could not do more. Therefore he who does God’s will as perfectly as he possibly can does an infinite amount of good for souls. This is, after all, the way that Jesus himself, our Redeemer, showed us. If there were another, more perfect way, He would have chosen it. But for thirty years He was obedient to His most holy Mother
and to St. Joseph, and in doing so He unceasingly fulfilled the will of the Father.
No particular training and no sort of special preparation is needed for this. Everyone can make a maximum contribution to the cause of the Immaculata by conscientiously doing his part as one of the many “wheels” that together make up the big “machine”: Niepokalanów — the City of the Immaculata! (Conference, April 18, 1937; KMK, p. 117–118.)
2. How does God reveal to us what he expects of us?
God, the First Cause, usually employs a whole series of secondary causes, which are “transparencies”, so to speak, which reflect Him, or channels through which He communicates His grace, His light, His will.
The Lord God in His [external] activity always wants to make use of instruments, and these instruments in turn make use of other instruments, so that they all form a precise,
beautiful, harmonious whole. We are these instruments of the Immaculata. God gave us a free will, but He wants these instruments to serve Him, to subject their will to His, just as the Mother of God had said: “Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Be it done to me according to Thy word.” The words “be it done to me” must always be on our lips, for there must always be complete harmony between the will of the Immaculata and our will. What do we have to do, then? Let ourselves be guided by Mary and not be afraid. When I say “the will of the Immaculata”, I give God greater honor, because in this way I acknowledge that the Most Blessed Virgin is God’s most perfect creature. So let us be guided by her in our interior and exterior life, and let us will as she wills.( Conference, June 13, 1933; CDM, p. 117–118.)
You can safely use the following expression: “I want to do the will of the Immaculata,” for she always wills only what Jesus wills, and His will is one with the Father’s will. Accordingly her will is no different from the will of the Son and the Father. Furthermore, when you cite her will, then you acknowledge, besides your love of God’s will, an additional truth: the fact that her will is so perfect that it is no different from God’s will, and thus you give God honor — Father and Son — that He created such a perfect creature and made it fit to become His mother. (Fragment of a book about the Immaculata… ; BMK, p. 612.)
The Knight of the Immaculata, who does the will of his Lady and Queen, has chosen the best part. There is no greater perfection, no more magnificent deed than to forget one’s own ego completely and to do the infinitely perfect will of God, which is reflected in the will of the Immaculata
3. But how does this will of God manifest itself concretely in our everyday life?
- Firstly through the 10 commandments and the commandments of the Church ;
- Through the revealed truths of our Faith ;
- And through the holy rules of life given to us by the Holy Catholic Church. But above all by obedience to those who hold the place of God with us.
Often we come to know Mary’s wishes through inner promptings, but we can almost never be sure whether these come from her or from our self-love or even from the devil. Satan in the form of an angel of light is sometimes able to deceive us with the holiest things, which could perhaps be good for someone else, but which God does not want of us.
Even if we were to have a vision and thought that the Mother of God was appearing to us and assigning to us the most exalted task, how do we know for sure that it is really she and not a deception or a devilish snare? … The best test is obedience to one’s superiors. (Manuscrit M.I ; CDM, p. 118.)
The weapons of the Knight (6 × 2 po) [4]