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Guidelines for Establishing an MI Group

It stands to reason that working as a group is more effective on the one hand, but also that it is more enjoyable. And so also St. Maximilian Kolbe planned for the Knights to meet regularly for prayer and apostolate (he named this MI Level 2).

“In the second degree of the M.I., the Knights bind themselves by special statutes and programs. They unites their forces, in order to reach their declared goal more quickly and effectively” (St. Maximilian Kolbe).

The first outcome in so doing is often primarily internal rather than external. Thus Don Bosco said these words about St. Dominic Savio, “the first advice he was given to help him become a saint was to set out to win souls for God, because there is no holier work in this life than to work for the good of souls, for whose salvation Jesus Christ shed the last drop of his Precious Blood.”

A common apostolate in the priory or in a mission is beneficial first and foremost for its own faithful. The spirit of the apostolate is one of the best means of sanctifying oneself and arming oneself against the spirit of the world, because in doing so he actively fights this spirit instead of simply denouncing it.

Before we start thinking about establishing a group, we suggest the following procedure:

  1. Pray to the Immaculata, that she might bless this undertaking.
  2. Speak with your priest about your intention of establishing an MI group.
  3. Provided that the priest in charge supports this undertaking, think (preferably together with the priest) about who else might be interested in working with the MI and campaign for the cause accordingly. To this end, the following measures could be helpful:

– Sermons and or conferences about the Militia Immaculata

– Speak directly to the faithful who might also be interested

– Provide information about the MI, especially the guidelines for enrolment.

Ein gemeinsames Apostolat im Priorat oder in der Kapelle kommt somit zuallererst den eigenen Gläubigen zu Gute. Der Geist des Apostolates, ist eines der besten Mittel, um sich zu heiligen und gegen den Weltgeist zu wappnen, weil man diesen damit nicht nur ablehnt, sondern aktiv bekämpft.

4. Specify, together with the Prior, what the goals for the local MI group could be and how you would like these to be organized (apostolic activities, regular prayer meetings, conferences, processions, etc). We can provide practical ideas for the apostolate upon request. (see in this regard also: Apostolate concrete [1])