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His Sacred-Heart ceased to beat

Engl 0000281 [1]
When, on the day of the Annunciation, the Holy Ghost overshadows you to form in you the Heart of the eternal Son of the Father, you did not flee but gave your consent with joy and readiness. You did not, O Immaculata, shrink from the Cross which you knew was reserved for your Child.
And now, as your Son sets out on the road to Calvary, what did you do, Holy Mother?
“I followed him. I followed his steps, his bloody footprints. Faced with suffering, man spontaneously flees, withdraws destitute and unhappy…and the further I saw him flee, the closer I came to Jesus, to arrive alone, standing at the foot of the Cross.”
What were you doing, sweet Mother?
“I listened then, in the absolute silence of my soul, to the suspended Heart of my Son, pierced by a thousand wounds, which in erratic convulsions sought the air He had created.
After three hours of voluntary agony, while He is love in substance, in power and in deed, this Sacred Heart stopped beating. The physical Heart of my Son stopped. His love continued to create and spread.”
What were you doing sweet Mother?
“See this, dear child, this Heart even after its physical death, could not cease to seek you, to catch up with you to transform you, to broaden your soul through compunction and humility. His love spread for ever and ever, from people to people, from nation to nation, recreating everything in such a sublime and perfect way that one would almost forget that He was the author of the first creation.
But, lo and behold, this Sacred Heart has stopped beating.
The Heart, the centre of Life, the Source of all Holiness, this unique Treasure, which the Holy Ghost had formed in my womb for nine months, this Heart which was made up of all the drops of my own blood, had voluntarily stopped beating.”
And what did you do, Mother of Sorrows, when you saw this lifeless Heart?
“I gave Him mine in exchange to see it beat again in the Holy Eucharist. Unlike other mothers and in their name, I stayed to assist Him as I stay close to you in the present agony of the Church and the world.
When sinners approach spiritual death, I offer my Heart as a refuge so that they may have life again. For the spiritual death of the just, I substitute my Heart so that, dying with Jesus, they may rise with Him in the light.
Da mihi Cor Tuum! Give me your heart and take mine to remain in me until the end, standing close to my Divine Son.”
Ave Maria!