Online Apostolate
Facing a hard situation in the world for its apostolate, the M.I. has created different kinds of virtual material, using modern technologies as we were encouraged to do by S. Maximilian Maria Kolbe.
On the contrary, everything must contribute to it and if we can no longer have physical contact with people by distributing the Miraculous Medal in market places, during processions or during door-to-door, as the Legion of Mary did so well, other ways must be found to come into contact with souls, especially since they are more isolated than before.
How it works? Tools : videos and cards
Short catechetical and Marian videos present the bases of the Faith under Mary’s eyes. Those videos can be about actuality, objections against faith and morals, objections of the Protestants or Muslims, brief stories of the apparitions recognised by the Church and so on…
Virtual cards are small and short memo and a which give the Knights matters for reflection, meditation, tools for the apostolate, ways to follow the liturgy etc… We publish the virtual cards twice a week.
Since January 2021, 360 cards have been produced in French and a few less for the English, Spanish, Chinese, Indonesian, Tamil, Croatian, Polish, Portugues languages.
Watch the video of presentation:
How do we spread them?
We have created French, English, Spanish and Polish groups on social networks (Facebook — FB, Instagram, Telegram, WhatsApp, Messenger…). For the moment, therefore, we have 5 teams made up of zealous Knights who work on these networks, directly reporting to the Headquarters of the M.I. The virtual material, after being checked by the director of the M.I., is sent to the five teams which are responsible for translating and then transmitting them to their own contacts, to other Knights, their friends, their relatives, and above all, to all those who do not know much about religion or who have been subsumed into modernism.
Some facts
- Messenger: some French contacts have committed to post videos on their FB timeline. This means concretely that these contacts publicly commit to support this apostolate, and make the Immaculata known in their own personal and professional life, since everyone has access to their timeline… These contacts come from everywhere and are not necessarily Knights. Also, with those who really want to deepen their spiritual life, groups were formed to study the catechism and receive some spiritual guidance, from a distance, some priests also requested to join the MI.
- Facebook : French MILITIAIMMACULATAEFR has more than 2 600 friends. Several people experienced concrete spiritual benefits (discovery of what sins are, discovery of real spiritual warfare, etc.) English page : Militia Immaculatæ – Traditional Observance [2] has 4 146 followers since 2015
- YouTube Channel: The English channel [3] has more than 7,000 subscribers and the Polish channel 3,000 subscribers. On the French channel we have around 400 subscribers, most of whom discovered the channel through this remote apostolate, because this new form of apostolate is not very well known in France and in French-speaking countries. The channel presents around 50 videos and records more than 8,300 views in 365 days.
- WhatsApp : Has three groups: One in English which brings together the countries of Nigeria, South Africa, the United Kingdom, Ireland, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Canada, Brazil (Harbour); One in French for France, Gabon and Benin; One in Spanish for Spain, Mexico, Uruguay, and Peru.
The English group, called Mary’s Heart does translations and sends the material to more than 2,000 Knights. The French group called Au Royaume de Marie sends to more than 330 people. We also have contact with the headmaster of the Juvenate of Gabon who sends the material to many students enrolled as Knights.
The Spanish group, called El Corazon de Maria does translations and sends them to Spain, Mexico, Uruguay and Peru. - The Headquarters of the M.I. has posted all approved cards on the application Share-your-photos which can be entered by downloading the app, and follow the procedure.
- Telegram : 6 channels were opened in French, English [4], Spanish, Indonesian, Polish and Turkich. Currently, the French channel has 148 subscribers and the English channel 267, the Spanish channel 185, the Indonesian 18, and Polish 148 and the Turkich channel 11.
- Instagram :200 contacts regularly receive video links and cards in France and Nigeria. Two groups were opened one in French and one in English.
- Signal : On February 28th 2022, we opened a french group on Signal.
Indonesian, Chinese and Turkish Knights of the Immaculata are also translating the cards, eventhough they have no group and work almost alone.
On this page of our website, you will find all our social network with direct access. [5]
Powerful ?
However, for this apostolate to bear fruit, it is not enough to send a virtual card or a link to a chatgroup, but it must lead to a discussion, an exchange either verbally or by text. Without this, very quickly, the contacts who receive these videos or cards will get bored and will not even look at them…
From French, the virtual cards are translated into: English – Spanish – Polish – Turkish – Chinese – Indonesian – Tamil – Tagalog – Portuguese – Croatian – German – Italian
How to get these virtual publications for the virtual apostolate?
To know more about the Organization of the Militia Immaculatæ Traditionalis Observance [13]