YEAR 2022
MAY 2022
Every year, on the first weekend of May, the faithful from Japan, under the leadership of Fr. Thomas Onoda, organise a Marian conference and a pilgrimage to the place of Our Lady’s visitation in Akita. As always, the perfectly prepared conference brings together people of many nationalities. Lectures on Our Lady are a good opportunity to encourage the faithful to zealously serve the Immaculata. Every year Fr. Tomasz Onoda explains to the faithful coming to Akita the idea and the aim of the Militia Immaculatæ, and on the last day of the pilgrimage he organises the ceremony
of acceptance into the M.I. This year the Militia Immaculatæ was enriched by 7 Knights of different nationalities.
YEAR 2020
At the end of the pilgrimage to Akita (Japan) Fr. Thomas Onoda enrolled 14 new Knights into the Militia Immaculatæ, including several foreigners from outside Japan. Exceptionally, the pilgrimage took place this year in August. The date of the pilgrimage 14 new Knights in Japan was scheduled, as always, for the month of May, but could not take place because of the “lockclose spacedown”. However, all was not lost by the change. The date was moved to August, which, by way of compensation, is also the month dedicated to the Immaculate.
YEAR 2019
MAY 2019
We are happy to announce some new Knights in Japan. Just now the Director of the M.I., Fr. Karl Stehlin, is visiting Japan. He enrolled 15 new Knights in Tokyo. To know more… [1]

YEAR 2018
- During the The pilgrimage to Akita, many enrolled in the Militia Immaculatæ. To know more… [3]
YEAR 2017
- On the 17th of December, Father François Laisney enrolled 14 new Knights into the Militia Immaculatae in Tokyo, Japan. To know more… [4]
- May, 13th, 2017, fondation of M.I. 2 – Association of Our Lady of Fatima. To know more… [5]
YEAR 2016
The “Montfortan Retreat” was held from 10th of August, 2016 to the 15th in Osaka, Japan. This is a special retreat following the book of Saint Grignon de Montfort: “True devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary”, preached by Rev. Father Karl Stehlin, District Superior of Asia, and translated into Japanese by Father Thomas Onoda. 31 people attended this retreat. To know more [6]
Presentation : Foundation of the MI in Japan
Number of Knights
Number of MI corner