- Militia Immaculatae - https://m-i.info/en/ -

M.I. Apostolate in Australia

Since having the great pleasure of the Reverend Father Karl Stehlin’s visit to Australia in 2016, the membership for the M.I. introduced in this district has grown close to 700 members.

Australia TIn Tynong: two M.I. corners have been set up to display and distribute the much needed materials for a greater devotion to Our Lady and the advancement and guidance of the spiritual life provided by Kolbe Publications in Tynong. One corner has been set up at Saint Thomas Aquinas College and the other is set up at Corpus Christi Church.

On the Feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas, we had the pleasure of a visit from Father Nely for the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the College. We renewed the consecration of the College to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Leading up to the 13th of October The district of Australia did a rosary novena and in the evening of the 100th anniversary of the final apparition of Fatima over 500 parishioners came to a candlelit procession to honour the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Thanks to the efforts of Father Paul Robinson and Father Benjamin Campbell the spread of the MI has reached the mission chapels of Mackay and Toowoomba during the course of 2017. We have had a number of new enrollments which is a great blessing and wonderful to see.

Tynong has recently been donated a substantial number of scapulars, Benedictine medals and Miraculous Medals by the Legion of Mary in Queensland to use in the MI Apostolate.

On the Feast of Christ the King, the Corpus Christi Parish celebrated its 10th anniversary since the building of the new church, thanking Our Lord and Our Lady for the many graces over those very blessed 10 years.