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Leaflets in Russian language

On July 13, 1917 Our Lady said: ”In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to Me and she will be converted, and a certain period of peace will be granted to the world.”

We pray for the conversion of Russia. We have also prepared leaflets, which are instrument of the apostolate. We encourage all Knights for distributing these flyers among people who speak Russian language.

Our Lady of Fatima (Пресвятая Дева Фатимская) —
download [1]

My Immaculatae Heart will triumph (Моё Непорочное Сердце восторжествует) —
download [2]

Let’s pray the Rosary every day (Будем молиться Розарий каждый день) —
download [3]

The daily Rosary — A Quarter of an Hour for Immaculata (Ежедневный Розарий — Четверть часа для Непорочной) —
download [4]