- Militia Immaculatae - https://m-i.info/en/ -

Resurrexit sicut dixit, alleluia!

Of all the seasons of the Liturgical Year, Eastertide is by far the richest in mystery. We might even say that Easter is the summit of the Mystery of the sacred liturgy.Res

Dear Knights!
Approaching the great mysteries of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ we wish you be spiritually generous for God as He is generous for us.

Easter Sunday

Of all the seasons of the Liturgical Year, Eastertide is by far the richest in mystery. We might even say that Easter is the summit of the Mystery of the sacred liturgy.

The Christian who is happy enough to enter, with his whole mind and heart, into the knowledge and the love of the Paschal Mystery, has reached the very center of the supernatural life. Hence it is, that the Church uses every effort in order to effect this: what she has hitherto done, was all intended as a preparation for Easter.

The holy longings of Advent, the sweet joys of Christmas, the severe truths of Septuagesima, the contrition and penance of Lent, the heart-rending sight of the Passion — all were given us as preliminaries, as paths, to the sublime and glorious Pasch, which is now ours.
