- Militia Immaculatae - https://m-i.info/en/ -

The apostolate of the MI 2

MI 2 [1]

“There are generally two means of action: individual action, that of each one in particular, and social action, which we do in common. In individual action, it happens that the individual does many things thanks to the talents that God has given him and to an ardent and confident love expressed in prayer, but there are always cases where one cannot succeed. all alone. What Jesus said about prayer holds true for action: it is sometimes more fruitful to act in common than to act alone.” Manuscript M.I.; CDM, p. 183.

In this manner, the M.I. enters the realm of public life. It becomes a society, an association, a pious work, with a steering committee, statutes, as well as precisely defined goals and means.

Father Maximilian wanted the MI 2 groups to organize themselves according to the territory, the people affiliated, and the means employed to achieve the great ideal of MI. From the geographical point of view, he envisaged a world organization, national organizations, finally organizations linked to certain territories (for example, diocese, parish, village).

Regarding people, it was necessary to found distinct groups for children, youth, fathers and mothers, the elderly, with special statutes adapted to each state.

As means of action, he thought of prayer groups, groups bringing together suffering people, but also groups bringing together people exercising the same profession: thus he wanted the MI 2 of writers, that of lawyers, that of artists , that of traders, etc.

These groups, most often composed of lay people, were to carry the ideal of the M.I. in all areas of public life, in all circles and all institutions.

As for today the M.I, 2 is present in several countries:

  1. MI 2 – Russia (international) [2]
  2. MI 2 – Poland (4 groups of MI 2) [3]
  3. MI 2 – Philippines
  4. MI 2 – India [4]
  5. MI 2 – Belgium [5]


MI APOSTOLATE (6 × 2 po) [6]