YEAR 2021
The relentless rains marked another ‘successful’ monsoon. And it’s the same, if we can say on a spiritual level. Father Therasian Babu preached an Ignatian retreat to several young Knights of the Immaculate (YKI) Trichy. It was truly a successful attempt. The retreat took place during the last week of Pentecost (2021).
We have transformed an old unused school building in Christurajapuram into a beautiful retreat house for the Militia Immaculata. The “Porta Caeli Retreat House” is well located in the middle of the mangrove forests. The Reparatrix sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will make their retreat there just after Christmas.
We are also planning to offer several retreats and conferences for the M.I. next summer. Prayers are being asked for our rather difficult mission in this country as the persecution visibly increasing against Catholics.
YEAR 2019
The 3rd Annual Penitential Walk in Reparation for the sacrileges against the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.
On the 23rd of March 2019, we the Knights of the Militia Immaculatae in Chennai demonstrated our love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament by a penitential walk from Royapettah to St. Thomas Mount (the Place where St. Thomas was martyred). All through the 13 km walk we prayed the Rosary, Litanies and sang hymns.
To read more… [1]
February 2019 – MI 2 MEN
“Quoniam zelus domus tuae comedit me” [Ps. LXVIII:10]. Such was the cry of a small gathering of humble and little boys and girls at St. Joseph’s Chapel, Trichy, India, who knew only to pledge themselves in the service of their Queen and Mother. And never was it known that anyone who fled to her protection, implored her help and sought Her intercession was left unaided! And a glimpse of the blessings received at her hands is in order…
To read more… [2]
On the 26th of January 2019
The Director of the Militia Immaculatæ, Father Karl Stehlin visited Asia. To begin with, he visited 3 cities in South India on 3 consecutive days to preach a conference on the necessity of the Blessed Mother in our life and how to live as her children, letting her take control and fight our battles.
On the 24th of January Father preached a recollection at the Priory of the Most Sacred Heart in Palayamkottai. It was a joyous occasion to receive Father Stehlin at the Priory since we bid him farewell on his appointment to Poland. To quote Father Stehlin “…I arrived happily in India on Wednesday and was picked up by Fr. Therasian in Madurai. On Thursday I held a conference about the M.I. for the faithful. Quite a lot of people showed up (5 priests, 13 religious sisters – Fr. Therasian). On Friday I had a meeting with the priests to explain to them the detailed strategy of the follow-up and perseverance of the Knights…”
On the 26th of January 2019, the Knights of Chennai were all geared up to receive Rev. Fr. Karl Stehlin. The Fatima Convent in Kodambakkam was all set for a day of traditional recollection, though we faced a few obstacles. True to the title “Mary: Victorious in all our battles” Our Lady emerged victorious. 150 people attended, of which 80 were invested with the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and 35 were enrolled as Knights in the Militia Immaculatæ.
To read more… [3]
YEAR 2018
- We are pleased to announce that Father Karl Stehlin, the Director of the M.I. enrolled 48 new Knights into the Militia Immaculatae in India.
- On the 30th of December 2017 he enrolled 7 new Knight in Bombay.
- On the 1st of January 2018, Father Stehlin enrolled 21 new Knights in in Bangalore.
- On the 3rd of January 2018, Father Director of the M.I. enrolled 20 new Knights in in Coonoor.
- We are pleased to announce that on the 10th of January 2018, in Colombo (Sri Lanka) Father Karl Stehlin, the Director of the M.I. enrolled 14 new Knights into the Militia Immaculatae. To read more… [5]
YEAR 2017
- November : Father Stehlin preached “Marian day of Recollection” entitled “Heaven, Purgatory and hell — a Catechism on Fatima” on the 4th of November at the Shrine of Our Lady of Light, in Luz Chennai; India. He enrolled 48 new Knights. To read more… [6]
- April : We are happy to announce that in Goa (India) on Passion Sunday (April 2), Father Karl Stehlin accepted for the Militia Immaculatæ 52 new Knights. To read more… [7]
- March : During a Traditional Lenten Recollection Father Karl Stehlin accepted 75 Knights in Chennai (India). To read more [8]
YEAR 2016
- Knights of Immaculatae established “Young Knights of the Immaculata” (YKI) for boys and for girls. Both of the groups work at the St. Joseph’s chapel, Trichy. The Supervisor of both groups is Rev. Fr. Benoit Walliez. They have regular meetings. During the first meeting rules were developed for the YKI. Each meeting started by praying a Holy Rosary, which the young people offered as a sacrifice for the sacrileges against the Most Holy and Pure Virgin Mother. After the prayers were finished there was a short address on spiritual subjects, e.g., about meditation and its importance in self-sanctification, about the many opportunities to undertake little penances and sacrifices in a day. Next, young people talked about new activities and tasks. Then each meeting ended with a prayer. These groups are very active. Members of Young Knights of the Immaculata distribute many handouts, eg. about Our Lady of Fatima, about First Five Saturday Devotion and they distribute CDs about the shroud of Our Lord in the Tamil language. They play with the infants and tell them stories and deliver some basic catechism, and give them medals, rosaries and holy cards. For older people they pray and talk to them and they give them medals and books.
- In Goa (India) at the end of one day recollection Father Karl Stehlin accepted for Militia Immaculatæ 35 new Knights. To read more… [9]
- In Chennai (India) at the end of the retreats (July 31) at Stella Maris College, Father Karl Stehlin accepted 81 new Knights for the Militia Immaculatæ. In Asia there are almost 4,000 Knights of the Immaculata.