- Militia Immaculatae - https://m-i.info/en/ -

The sextant of the Immaculata

Dear Knights,
The waves on the shore rise and fall with the wind and the moon. In the same way, the world you are about to enter will seek to invade you and drag you down into its dangerous depths. However, by becoming Knights of the Immaculata this year you have been given a very precious tool to help you navigate the stormy ocean.

This tool, this precious compass, this ever-accurate sextant, is your Miraculous Medal. This measuring instrument must be your guide because it reminds you of the presence of the Star of the Sea above you and at your side.

Without your medal, you will lose your way and wander on the waves at the whim of your passions and the temptations of the world. You will be drawn into unhealthy and infernal turmoil, into troubled and complicated relationships that will make you lose sight of the Immaculata, her beauty, her purity, her simplicity and the harmony of her virtues.

If you leave your medal in your pocket or purse, out of human respect, you will not be able, at midday, at the hour of trial, to take stock of the direction to follow and the path planned by God.

By neglecting it out of laziness or lack of vigilance, your ship will lose the proper direction of the wind, the sails of your ship will flap sluggishly, quickly threatening the other virtues hard at work by the inexorable force of worldly currents.

But by placing Mary’s radiant banner constantly before your eyes, by fastening it firmly around your neck, by making it visible to the world around you and to your friends, this Star of the Sea will shine and sparkle like a storm lamp or a protective lighthouse.

The light of the Star of the Sea will illuminate your intelligence with its advice. It is this light that will warm your will to the point of making it willing and desiring what it did not want before, and making it melt into God’s will. Finally, it is this light that will protect you and push away the darkness of bad company, so that you only associate with souls who can help you to become holy and as God has planned for you.

So let us carry the banner of our Queen, the Immaculata, and she will carry us on her Heart to the harbour of salvation.

Le sextant de lImmaculee pr page [1]