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Towards Fatima 2017


We all are aware that 2017 will be a crucial year of anniversaries: 500 years of Protestantism, 300 years of Freemasonry, 100 years of Communism on the one hand, 100 years of Fatima apparitions and establishment of the Militia Immaculatæ on the other hand. We are fully aware, that in comparison with the gigantic armies of the enemies of our salvation we are nothing. As Saint Maximilian Kolbe often said, we are only miserable zeroes. If you put many zeroes together, the result will be always zero (00,000 … = 0). But just put a ‘one’ before the zeroes, you will have a complete different result: 1,000,000… The “one” is the Immaculata, we are the zeroes.

Therefore, what depends on us and our small possibilities should be done: to commemorate the anniversary of Fatima, we have to know more than ever before the requests of Our Lady, when she appeared to Lucy, and Blesseds Francesco and Jacinta. However, it is not sufficient to know the whole message of Fatima well, we have to do what Mary requires: 2017 must become THE year of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

The commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Militia Immaculatæ must motivate us, HER knights, to become more than ever faithful “instruments in Her immaculate hands”, so that She can pour out the innumerable graces of conversion and sanctification she received from Her Divine Son on her beloved children. She wants so much to save them from hell and damnation, from error and sin, but there is a condition: her instruments must “pray and make sacrifices for them”.

We must have an immense desire to win to our Mother as many souls as possible as a token of gratitude for the anniversaries of HER miraculous interventions. As a goal we would like to offer her AT LEAST 100,000 new knights until the 13 October 2017.

In order to achieve these goals (personal sanctification through deep devotion to Her Immaculate Heart and apostolic work of conversion following the example of Saint Maximilian Kolbe and all the generous Knights of the Immaculata in the past) we have to prepare ourselves. The festivities of 2017 will start on 13 May 2017 and finish on 8 December 2017.

In order to prepare for these solemnities, it was decided to organize a novena, not only of nine days, but of 9 months starting from 13 August 2016 and ending on 13 May 2017. All traditional Catholics should be fully involved in that preparation, but particularly the KNIGHTS of the Immaculata should commit themselves to this novena.

We want you to become APOSTLES OF FATIMA with 3 goals:

  1. To faithfully fulfil the requests of the Immaculate Heart in Fatima,
  2. To study thoroughly the message of Fatima and the whole truth about OUR LADY and understand the role of the Immaculata in the latter times,
  3. To spread this knowledge among other people and with Her help to find each of you 100 souls to become Knights of the Immaculata. More precisions of becoming APOSTLE OF FATIMA will be sent to you in the next few months. Of course, nobody forces you to such a commitment, it is left to your own decision, and to how generous and zealous a Knight of the Immaculata you want to be.

But from this moment on I humbly ask you to pray for these intentions: the time is about to come, when SHE desires to give immense graces to Holy Mother Church and the whole world. She always does on Her anniversaries. But under the condition, that she finds her little army well prepared. And the best preparation is according to her own words “prayers and sacrifices”.

Father Karl Stehlin

For more information about Fatima and preparation for a blessed jubilee we recommend this books:

Fatima — A spiritual light for our times [1]

Fatima- A Spiritual light for our times (Volume ll) [2]