15 new knights in Germany

15 new knights in Germany

On the last Saturday and Sunday of November, at St. Michael’s Church in Rheinhausen (Germany), Father Karl Stehlin led the recollection, the main theme of which was: “Saint Maximilian Kolbe – defender of the Catholic tradition”.

He has given several lectures focusing on the following issues:

1) Saint Maximilian opposed ecumenism. He founded the M.I., whose goal is the conversion of infidels to the Church through Mary, Mediatrix of all Graces.

2) The founder of the M.I. was against pacifism. Knights are active in the Church Militant: fighting against sin and Satan, fighting for the triumph of Christ and Mary.

3) The ideas of the M.I. and its actions were the target of the evil movement of Freemasonry because they were against the spirit of the Second Vatican Council; instead of “innovating heaven on earth”, St. Maximilian set as his goal the salvation of every soul in order to preserve himself from the clutches of sin, attachment and imperfections.

At the end of the recollection, 15 new knights, including several children, joined the ranks of the Militia of the Immaculatæ.

Mothers from Rheinhausen, with the permission of the prior, founded the M.I. 2 “Mothers”. Members meet twice a month. At the first meeting there is a lecture by one of the ladies, and the second meeting of the month is for common prayer for the holiness of families.

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