Director of the M.I. Visits Holy Cross Seminary

Director of the M.I. Visits Holy Cross Seminary

On the feast of St. Joseph, Fr. Stehlin arrived at Holy Cross Seminary. The primary purpose of his visit was in his capacity as District Superior of Asia. While at Holy Cross, he was able to speak individually to the Asian seminarians and also observe the spirit of the house in which they are being formed.

hcs card 25pcBut Fr. Stehlin also took advantage of his stay at Holy Cross to speak to the seminarians in his capacity as Director of the M.I. about the spirit and the work of the M.I. Almost all of the seminarians are Knights and it is important for them to understand the powerful means of apostolate that are available through the M.I.

To that end, Fr. Stehlin gave the seminarians two conferences. In the first conference, he spoke about the concrete work that has been done in various countries, especially the Philippines. In the second, he spoke about the consecration that a Knight of the M.I. makes and how the spirit of this consecration sanctifies souls: it helps them live in dependence on Our Lord and Our Lady, and it helps them see themselves as instruments whom Our Lord and Our Lady want to use in order to bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart.

Through these powerful conferences, the zeal of the seminarians for souls was enkindled and their enthusiasm for devotion to Our Lady was increased. May they one day be ordained as priests, so that they may go out into the world as ardent apostles of Jesus and Mary!

Conference in Holy Cross Seminary


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