19th Anniversary of the M.I. of the Traditional Observance

19th Anniversary of the M.I. of the Traditional Observance

news1513a19 years ago (on the 6th of May 2000) Fr. Karl Stehlin revived the Militia Immaculatae according to the spirit of St. Maximilian Kolbe.

Prior to the onset of the second Vatican Council the Knights of the Immaculata counted 4 million members in Poland and the rest of the world. Modifications, which occurred after the Council, completely changed the society of the M.I. The main goal of the original M.I. — the conversion of sinners, heretics and especially freemasons, was put aside. The fighting spirit, always present in the Church militant has gone as well. The role of the Immaculata has been lessened.

Therefore on the 6th of May 2000 (the First Saturday of May) the Militia Immaculatae was revived in the spirit and according to the text of its original Statutes by the superior of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X in Poland, Fr. Karl Stehlin with the permission of his General Superior, Bishop Bernard Fellay, in keeping with the principles of the supplementary jurisdiction.

news1513bFather Stehlin has been the Director of the M.I. since April 2016. He goes to many countries to give conferences on the M.I. and spirit of St. Maximilian and for the establishment of the Militia Immaculatae.

Now, the Militia Immaculatae of the Traditional Observance has more than 125,000 members in 53 countries.

In November 2018 the Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X, Fr. Davide Pagliarani, allowed and blessed the establishment of the International Headquarters of the M.I. in Warsaw, Poland (the home country of St. Maximilian).

news1513cIts tasks are as follows:
— supporting priests and faithful in various countries in establishing the M.I.
— preparation and assistance in publishing books and flyers in the native languages of the Knights
— coordination of Knights’ activities.

Basic publications are published in several languages already: the M.I. booklet is available in English, French, Spanish, Dutch, German, Russian, Japanese and Sinhalese; the booklet “Consecration to the Immaculata” is available in English, French, Spanish, German, Polish, Russian, and Lithuanian.

The M.I. regularly published its bulletin “Knight of the Immaculata” in Polish (“Triumf Niepokalanej”), in German (“Ritter der Immaculata”), in English (“Knight of the Immaculata”), in French “Le Chevalier de l’Immaculée”) and in Spanish (“Caballero de la Inmaculada”).

Last month the M.I. published also “Knight of the Immaculata” in Russian. This issue is dedicated to the consecration Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This is a special edition for the visit of Father Stehlin in Russia.

There are also many flyers available in 16 foreign languages.

All publications can be downloaded for free from the M.I. Library: www.militia-immaculatae.org

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Like St. Maximilian, the M.I. uses all valid and legitimate means for the conversion and sanctification of men. The M.I. has M.I. Channel on Youtube and accounts on Twitter and Facebook and publishes good religious information.

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