From Ephesus to Fatima

From Ephesus to Fatima

We recommend for reading a new text on the General House website. This text called “From Ephesus to Fatima”.

newsCan the Church groaning in bitter warfare with the ancient heretics be compared to the Church fighting the errors of Freemasonry today?

Arianism denied Christ’s divinity openly while Nestorianism denied the unity of two natures in the Person of Christ affirming only a beautiful spiritual union between Christ the son of Mary, and the Word of God, thus denying Christ’s divinity indirectly.

At Ephesus in 431, the Fathers, echoing Sacred Scripture and Tradition, declared that Mary was the Mother of God. This non-Scriptural formula, edited by Catholic authority, was the unique means of preserving the Scriptural Truth of Christ, the unity of His Divine Person, become Man by assuming a true human nature from the womb of Mary His God-bearing Mother.

At Ephesus St. Cyril exclaimed: “Hail o Mother of God! O Mary! … Scepter of orthodoxy, imperishable temple, Mother and Virgin, through whom He is, that cometh Blessed in the name of the Lord!  We hail thee who didst, in thy virginal womb, contain Him Who is immense, incomprehensible!  Thee, through whom the Holy Trinity is adored and glorified  . . .  the demons are put to flight; Thee, through whom the fallen creature is raised up to heaven; Thee, through whom the whole world, when crushed under the yoke of idolatry, was brought to the light of truth!”

During the battle over Nestorianism, the word Theotokos became the key point of conflict, containing in itself all of the theological ideas necessary to upright Faith in Christ.  The conflict broke out when one of Nestorius’ Priests declared from the pulpit that the faithful should not call Mary the “Mother of God”. Nestorius declared in a subtle way: “As a vase holds flowers, Christ the man holds God. I worship the vase because of its contents.”

To counter the arguments of the heretics, the orthodox Fathers focused in their teaching on the true understanding of Mary as Theotokos (Dei Genitrix). In this word was contained the truth of two natures: for “Mother” indicates the work of Motherhood giving human nature to the divine person, and “of God” shows the pre-existing divine person who assumes the human nature.  At the same time, Theotokos excludes the blasphemous monstrosity of two persons in one body, affirming the unity of two natures in one person.  By simple intuition men easily grasp a sublime mystery that no artifice of heresy can overturn.

For the past 300 years, Freemasonry has done all in its power to do to the Catholic Church what the old heretics did to Christ, they wish to make it a merely human institution without divine powers.  In this way, divorcing it from the divine assistance, they can overpower it. But at Fatima, Our Lady of the Rosary asked for the daily Rosary, that is, the constant repetition of the dogmatic formula: “Holy Mary Mother of God.”  Triumphant at Ephesus, the Church will triumph again through Fatima. Ave Maria!


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