Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

nicolas dipre la nativite de la vierge“God has wrought salvation in the midst of the earth” Ps. 73:12. “Let the earth bud forth and bring forth a Savior.” Is 45:8

The scandals that rack the Catholic Church from top to bottom today are only the rotten fruits of a prior interior state of existence. It is our spiritual lukewarmness that leaves Baptism sterile, corrupts sanctity, and becomes faithless to Christ.

God’s overall plan for mankind was not foiled when Adam sinned, and God had to condemn him to return to the earth from which he was taken. Although man had crashed like a powerful rocket, or had exploded like a fine-tuned engine, God would not change His plan. We mustn’t think of His plan for man as a form of a linear existence, as a line from the earth to some regions above, but a real state of existence wherein two orders of things would be held together in one. God’s plan was – and still is – that the earth would be man’s habitation and that man himself would be God’s temple. The earth held man’s body, man’s body held his soul, man’s soul was God’s temple.

The Nativity of Mary is the Restoration of this order of things. Although fallen man could rise above sin to obey God’s grace, he remained stained. To work “salvation in the midst of the earth”, God made a “new earth” in Mary, in order to create a “new heavens” by the Incarnation of Christ. By Mary’s holy Nativity rooted in Her Immaculate Conception. She became the foundation of the new heavens, so that the new man Christ would be not a simple temple, but God Himself living among men on earth, His Holy Divinity united to His Humanity in the unity of His Divine Person. Since His Humanity was taken from Mary, it was taken from the earth, and thus from the earth Salvation was wrought on the earth.

If we look closely at Mary’s Nativity, we see there the example of our own life, work and apostolate. Her privileged birth, her uninterrupted growth in sanctity, Her vocation to the divine maternity and Her faithful cooperation with Christ, is the model of the Christian life.

Mary’s privileged birth is reduplicated in our Baptism. Her uninterrupted growth in sanctity is the law of the New Testament, to obey the inspirations of Grace, always leading us to greater sanctity. Her vocation to the Divine Maternity is the counterpoint of our vocation to be fruitful members of the Mystical Body of Christ. Her faithful cooperation with Jesus in all His Mysteries is fidelity to the little sacrifices we must perform to do our daily duty. Ave Maria!

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