Assistance for Fr. Karl Stehlin — the Director of the M.I.

Assistance for Fr. Karl Stehlin — the Director of the M.I.

Fr TimFr. Davide Pagliarani, Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X, who is also the Superior of the Militia Immaculatae of Traditional Observance, has appointed Fr. Timothy Pfeiffer as Assistant to the Director of the M.I. Father Pfeiffer is the Prior of St. Joseph’s Priory in Davao (Philippines) and is National Moderator of the M.I. in the Philippines.

His main tasks as Assistant are to help the Director in visiting countries and districts where the M.I. is already established to check the progress, help to solve difficulties, give advice to propagate the M.I. and keep up the zeal of the Knights, preach M.I. recollections, reinforce the link between moderators and the headquarters etc.

Deo et Immaculata Gratias!

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