A Plenary Indulgence for Knights

A Plenary Indulgence for Knights

Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. Each of the Knights can obtain a Plenary Indulgence under usual condition if he renews the act of consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary Immaculate.

Each of the Knights can obtain a Plenary Indulgence under usual condition if he renews the act of consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary Immaculate.

Usual conditions for gaining a Plenary Indulgence:

  1. The virtual or habitual intention of gaining the Plenary Indulgence.
  2. Visit a church (cathedral, parochial, quasi-parochial or semi-public oratory).
  3. Confession (8 days before or after the prescribed good work).
  4. Communion (on the day itself).
  5. Pray for the intentions of the Pope (1 “Our Father” and “Hail Mary”, or any other prayer).
  6. Detachment from all sin even venial sin.

The habitual intentions of the Pope which we are praying for:

  1. Triumph of the Church
  2. Propagation of the Faith
  3. Extirpation of heresies
  4. Conversion of sinners
  5. Peace among Christian leaders
  6. Other goods of the Christian people

Act of Consecration to the Immaculate

O Immaculata, Queen of heaven and earth, refuge of sinners and our Mother who loves us so much and to whom God has entrusted the entire kingdom of mercy!

I, N.N., an unworthy sinner, cast myself down at your feet and implore you with all my heart: deign to accept me utterly and entirely as your possession and your property. Do what you will with me, with all the faculties of my soul and my body, with my whole life, with my death and my eternity. Dispose of me as it pleases thee, so as to fulfil what is said of thee: “She will crush the head of the serpent,” and also: Thou alone hast vanquished all heresies throughout the world.”

Make me an instrument in your immaculate and merciful hands to serve thee, so as to increase as much as possible thy honour in so many tepid souls that have fallen away from the faith and thus to extend the kingdom of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. For upon whatever place you enter, you implore the grace of conversion and sanctification, for all graces come to us from the Sacred Heart of Jesus only through thy hands.

Grant to me to praise thee, O most Blessed Virgin,

Give me strength against thine enemies.

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