Knights in Gabon

Knights in Gabon

news1683aThe Juvenate of the Sacred Heart (Boys’ High School in Gabon) had the joy of a visit from the Director of the Militia Immaculatæ, who came to Gabon to present this Marian movement. In three days, he prepared the students who wished to enter into the Militia Immaculatæ.

On the 31st of January 2020, the first day was a very busy one for Father Karl Stehlin, as he had to pass through each of the high school classes to give this presentation of the M.I. at each stage, about 45 minutes of preaching.

On the 3rd of February, the Director of the M.I. was back at the school for another 30 minutes preaching session to try to convince the students of the advantages of joining the Militia of the Immaculate.

In the afternoon, he gave another address, but this time only to those who wished to join. The first surprise for all: out of 130 students, 98 showed up.

news1683cThe next day was the Commitment Day. At the end of classes, the pupils were expected in the chapel. And there, the second surprise: while we thought we would have had at most 25, nevertheless 78 returned — plus the four Fathers of the School — to consecrate themselves, full of fervour, to the Immaculata and thus commit themselves to pray and do penance for the salvation of souls.

Once again, it was verified that the Blessed Virgin has an irresistible attraction for souls. So many commitments in so few days! May she now lead her new Knights to persevere in their resolution to serve her.

We thank Father Karl Stehlin for his visit and for the foundation of the M.I. in the School. May the Immaculata watch over the School and make students her property, where she will be honoured, served fervently, with extraordinary human respect.

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