Visit of the M.I. Director to Canada and 288 new knights

Visit of the M.I. Director to Canada and 288 new knights

During 20th – 24th May 2017, Reverend Father Karl Stehlin, Director of the M.I. visited Canada. During this visit, Fr. Karl Stehlin established the Militia Immaculatae officially in the English-speaking part of Canada and he enrolled 288 new knights into the M.I.

news821bFirst he visited the chapel of “Our Lady of Sorrows” at Rocky Mountain House: during two conferences he presented the Militia Immaculatae, its importance in our life and especially in our times and enrolled 46 knights.

On Sunday 21 May 174 knights were enrolled at the Priory of St. Denis in Calgary, amongst them also the Prior himself, Rev. Fr. Herkel.

news821cFor his visit to Winnipeg on Monday 22 May the faithful attended Mass, then a conference where Fr. Stehlin explained the importance and significance of Our Lady in salvation, how the Militia fulfils the message of Fatima, and ending with how Our Lady uses her soldiers to save souls. After the conference we had the enrolments followed by a rosary procession. 68 knights were enrolled in the Militia Immaculatae in Winnipeg.
On Tuesday 23 May Fr. Stehlin gave a conference for the priests and faithful of the School of the Most Holy Rosary in Levis, Quebec, explaining to them the importance of the M.I.
From Wednesday 24 to Friday 26 May the priests and seminarians of St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Dillwyn, VA, attended several conferences by Fr. Stehlin about the importance of the message of Fatima and the M.I.



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