The apostolate of the Translator is little known or not known. Very often, we receive new documents in our mother tongue and few people care to know who translated it.
However, this art is a true source of sanctification. first of all because he asks the translator to know the two chosen languages well, then he must have this desire, well anchored in him, to give the best translation, not the most literal, but the most close to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. He must find the translation which, while preserving the general idea, must at the same time speak to souls, alert them, touch them, move them… more than ever the translator must be, as Saint Paul says: “a Jew with the Jews, Romans with the Romans…and to be with all as with Christ” by means of his pen.
The translation must take into account the given text, but above all, the circumstances, the mores, the customs, the ways of speaking of the country in question. It is by reading the translations of the Gospels in Greek and Roman that many have been saved. The translator must therefore necessarily have recourse to the Immaculata so that his text is as She wants it, She.
And the supervisor ; shouldn’t he also have the sharp eye of the Immaculata to detect, perceive and identify all the little imperfections in the texts?
Good translators and good supervisors are rare gems. Very often we have many good wills but who often do not persevere or only a little, or whose work is not satisfactory enough to be able to be published with a view to the good of souls.
O Immaculate, you who taught the Child Jesus how to write and read, teach us also to translate and proofread our copies well for your glory and your triumph.
We are always looking for new translators so contact us!