75 new Knights in Trichy

75 new Knights in Trichy

A one-day recollection was given by Rev. Fr. Karl Stehlin in Trichy on 24th June 2017. The major theme of this recollection was to recall and meditate the messages given by Our Lady at Fatima. 75 people enrolled themselves to the Militia Immaculatae.

A one-day recollection was given by Rev. Fr. Karl Stehlin in Trichy on 24th June 2017. The recollection consisted of Holy Mass, Holy Rosary and three sessions of sermons. The major theme of this recollection was to recall and meditate the messages given by Our Lady at Fatima. Over 350 individuals took part in this event. 75 people enrolled themselves to the Militia Trichy FImmaculatae.

The first session was started at 9.30am with the Holy Rosary (Joyful Mysteries). In this Rev. Father spoke about the need for the Apparitions of Our Lady. Whenever the salvation of humanity was in a danger, Our Lady appeared, to save the Church and Her poor children from the snares of the enemies of the Church. He also narrated the various incidents in which Our Lady has shown her power against the devil and his traps, which includes Our Lady’s apparition to St. Bernadette in Lourdes, St. Catherine Laboure in France, St. Juan Diego in Mexico and various other miraculous events. Rev. Father also told that the goal of our life on earth in to attain the glorious eternal life and this fact has been forgotten by today’s people due to the invasion of freemasons and communists into the political, cultural and social aspects of the world. To save us from this danger of soul Our Lady appeared in Fatima in the year 1917 (exactly 100 years ago) and reminded us that the eternity should be the supreme goal of our life and that we should never forget it.

The first session was followed by the Holy Mass in which almost 350–400 people took part. The sermon was about our duty to do penances and sacrifices to console the Sacred hearts of Our Lord and Our Lady.

With the Sorrowful mysteries, the next sermon began. In the 2nd session Rev. Fr compared the three mysteries of the Holy Rosary with the human life and showed that the Rosary can act as a very powerful weapon against the spiritual enemies. The Joyful mysteries help us to obey the commandments of God and to follow His Holy Will in all the circumstances we face. We can offer many sacrifices when we obey to God’s Holy Will and through these sacrifices we can bring as many souls to Heaven. The Sorrowful mysteries remind us that this life will be filled with sorrows and sufferings. Most of the times we want to avoid and get rid of these sufferings and we expect to have a luxurious and fun filled life but Our Lord showed us the perfect example by all His sufferings, Passion and His Death on the Cross. In order to follow Our Lord, we should also endure all the little sufferings and should offer them to Our Lord. The Glorious mysteries make us think of the eternal life, the Heaven and the hell. We should always prepare ourselves to get into heaven by prayers, penances and sacrifices. Thus, the Holy Rosary is the most powerful weapon which can defend us from the attack of evil and its spirits. This is the reason why Our Lady insisted on every apparition, to say the Holy Rosary Daily.

In the third session was started with the Holy Rosary (Glorious mysteries) in which Rev. Father introduced the concepts and the evolution of the very great organization of Our Lady, MILITIA IMMACULATAE. He spoke about the founder of M.I., St. Maximillian Kolbe and his life. St. Maximilian Kolbe (1894–1941) is a Polish saint who received the crowns of purity and martyrdom from the hands of Our Lady Herself. In the year 1917 the freemasons were celebrating their 200th anniversary year in the eternal city, Rome. The very sight of this act moved St. Maximillian and he wanted to form a military which would act for Our Lady and Her Divine Son and attack the enemies of the Holy Church by prayers and penances for the conversion of those pagans so that they may enter heaven one day. He called this Military force “Militia Immaculatae” and those who are enrolled in this are called as the “Knights of Immaculata”. The only aim of this organization is to make as many people as possible to act as the instruments in the Hands of Our Lady and to make the Holy Mother of God Known and Loved. In a very short period of time this movement has spread all over the world and millions of people joined as the Knights of Immaculata. Rev. Father also invited the faithful to join this M.I. movement.

After the recollection, the enrollment ceremony for M.I. took place which was lead by Rev. Fr. Karl Stehlin. 75 people enrolled themselves to this movement. There were several books, flyers, pamphlets and holy pictures which were brought from Tuticorin, by the Apostles of Mary, and were given to the faithful who attended the event.


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