Russia has been blessed with 19 new Knights of the Immaculate! These new Knights of our Lady are the wonderful fruits of a recent visit of the Director of the M. I., Father Karl Stehlin, to three cities of Russia: Kazan, St. Petersburg and Moscow.
On the 3rd of May 2019, Fr. Karl Stehlin visited Kazan for the very first time and celebrated a Mass and gave a public conference on the Militia Immaculatae and St. Maximilian Kolbe. In this tremendously historical city where the miraculous icon of Our Lady of Kazan is kept and venerated, and where the Society of St. Pius X has recently begun an apostolate, Fr. Shane Pezzutti received 4 new Knights at the end of this encouraging first visit of the Director of the M.I.

The next day Father Director went to the imperial city of the Czars, St. Petersburg, where he also celebrated a Mass and gave a public conference on the spirituality of St. Maximilian Kolbe and the M.I. The faithful were truly inspired by this noble ideal of working as our Lady’s instruments in Russia. Afterwards, 8 people decided to consecrate themselves to our Lady and join the Militia Immaculatae.
The next day (the 5th of May), Fr. Stehlin visited the current capital of Russia, Moscow. In Moscow, just like in the two previous cities, Fr. Stehlin celebrated Mass and gave a conference on the Militia Immaculatae. The most important thought of the conference was that the Blessed Virgin Mary needs instruments for the conversion of sinners. We cannot do anything without the help of God and Mary, but even the best artist cannot paint a painting without a brush. In this way, Fr Karl Stehlin encouraged the faithful to work for the Immaculate Mary, and warned them against an inordinate spirit of independence and trust in their own efforts. He reminded the faithful of the sound principles of a true and effective apostolate rooted in Catholic teaching.

After the conference in Moscow, 7 people decided to become Knights. One of the faithful spoke about these events: “For many years I had a great devotion to St. Maximilian Kolbe. Before joining Tradition, I was a Novus Ordo parishioner. And now, I am so happy that I have entered the Militia Immaculatae. I am unable by mere words to express my profound joy that the work of the Immaculate Mary and St. Maximilian Kolbe will live and develop in Russia”.
The apostolate in Russia is very important because of the request of Our Lady of Fatima to consecrate this country to her Immaculate Heart. For the Knights of the M.I., the work on the conversion of Russia is also important because of the words of St. Maximilian in February 1937 during the Congress in Rome on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the M.I.: “We do not believe this glorious day is far ahead or only a dream when the statue of the Immaculate will preside over the very heart of Moscow, thanks to her missionaries”.

He repeated several times, especially to Father Pignalberi: “He assured everyone that in the centre of Moscow the statue of the Immaculate would be erected, but beforehand a bloody trial would be necessary. (…) He repeated this hint of a bloody trial several days later. (…) I remained distressed at such a definitive statement, but he insisted saying that it was better this way and even necessary.”
On the 6th of May, when Fr. Stehlin left Russia, it was the 19th anniversary of the renewal of M. I. in its traditional form. Truly it was another blessing and grace from the hands of Our Lady. There are the 19 new Knights in Russia. Let us earnestly and fervently pray for them that they will work zealously for the cause of the Immaculate in this country so deprived of Catholic truth.