A good journey to Malaisia, Indonesia and Singapore

A good journey to Malaisia, Indonesia and Singapore

Enrolment in Singapore

Subsequently, the faithful were then enrolled as Knights of Our Lady. There was a total of 62 enrolments made, to the extent that the supply of Miraculous Medals ran out! An assistant priest had to bless new medals in the sacristy, which weren’t enough either! In the end some faithful had to wait for a couple of days/weeks for their medals and certificates to be ready. Indeed, the harvest is plentiful!

Malaysia – Visit in Kuala Lumpur

On the following day, Father Stehlin travelled to Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia, which is officially a Muslim country with Catholics as a small minority.

A High Mass was celebrated on the 5th of November and the conference with enrolments followed. 56 new Knights were enrolled into the army of Our Lady that night! Our problem then wasn’t about the lack of members, but rather the lack of medals for the surprising amount of new enrolments — which was indeed a good problem!

Visit in Kota Kinabalu

On the next day, before leaving for Kota Kinabalu (another Malaysian city on the Borneo Island), Father celebrated a regular Sunday Mass. The Mass was even attended by an Anglican, for whom we hope Our Lady will grant the Kuala Lumpur chapel another baptism very soon!
A Mass, conference and enrolment ceremony took place in the chapel at Kota Kinabalu as well with 29 new Knights.

Hence there was a rather stupendous total of 147 souls who joined the ranks of Our Lady’s army over less than 5 days across 3 different cities with not many regular parishioners — maybe except Singapore.
What a joy indeed, to see the Queenship of Our Lady, spreading from one end of the world to the other, from the meadows of Poland to the metropolis of Singapore, from the coast of America to the inconspicuous soil of Borneo.

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