Apologetics Conference in Kuala Lumpur

Apologetics Conference in Kuala Lumpur

On 15th July 2017 two of Knights of the Immaculata in Kuala Lumpur organized the first ever Traditional Catholic Apologetics Conference to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

news882cnews882bThe topic explored was “The Protestant Reformation & the Novus Ordo Missae – A defence of the Traditional Latin Mass”. Citing Scripture and Tradition, the speakers faithfully presented to an eager Catholic audience why the Novus Ordo Missae is a striking departure from the theology of the Mass formulated in Session XXII of the Council of Trent. The speakers were two Knights: Norman Chia and Benjamin Loh, assisted by other members of the faithful in the SSPX chapel, Kuala Lumpur.

Thenews882d conference was attended by 72 people. It was a mixture of Protestants and Catholics in Malaysia, from all States.

Since the talk a few families have been attending Masses at our SSPX chapel, with children receiving catechism from our Society priests. The video about the conference is to be released on 3rd September 2017, Feast of Pope St. Pius X.news882e




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