Table of contents
- Our Lady of the Holy Cordon against the plague in 1008 – Valenciennes, France
- Our Lady of the Ardents in 1105 – Arras, France
1.Our Lady of the Holy Cordon against the plague in 1008 – Valenciennes, France
In 1008, Valenciennes was hit by a plague that killed many people. It is said that 8000 people died in a few days. A hermit named Bertelain, from the village of Pont near Fontenelle, implored the Virgin. She appeared to him and announced that she would perform a great miracle visible to all on September 7th, the eve of the feast of her Nativity, telling him:
“Go to my people in Valenciennes. Tell them that I have disarmed the arm of my Son. The night before the feast of the Nativity, my people will know that I have heard their pleas for help. Let my servants then go to the city walls, and they will see wonders.”
The pious hermit hastened to fulfil his mission. He invited Herman, Count of Hainaut and Magistrate, as well as the population, to prepare themselves to receive such a grace by sincere prayer and true conversion. At Bertelain’s call, the sick and the able-bodied prepared themselves for the appointment on September 7th by prayer and fasting.
Gathered on the walls, the fifteen thousand villagers suddenly saw the darkness dissipate, the night change into a radiant day, while a majestic Queen, ravishingly beautiful, surrounded by a numerous procession of angels, appeared before their moved eyes, seeming to come from the hermit’s cottage and to hover above the chapel of Neufbourg, dedicated to the Mother of God by the Emperor Charlemagne. She held a ball of scarlet cord in her hand.
At the signal of their glorious Sovereign, an angel, the brightest of them all, respectfully grasped the end of the “heavenly net”. With a swift flight, he circled the city on its outskirts, dropping the precious Cord behind him. When the circuit was completed, the vision vanished; at that very moment, the contagion ceased and those affected were cured.
On September 8th, at dawn, Bertholin returned to Valenciennes, bearing a new message from the Virgin Mary. Guided by the pious hermit, the clergy reverently raised the “Holy Cordon of Our Lady” and Bertholin made known to the “people of Valenciennes” the wishes of his Divine Liberatrix: a fervent love for her son Jesus, hatred of sin which is the cause of all misfortunes, and gratitude for the blessing received. To this end, every year on September 8th, they will have to follow the path of the Holy Cordon in procession.
In the name of the population of Valenciennes, the Magistrate committed himself by vow to satisfy the desire of Mary, Queen of the City. For a thousand years, the people of Valenciennes have not failed in this sacred commitment; they have always kept this procession with great solemnity, and even in the most critical circumstances, remained faithful to the vow of their ancestors. Even today, the procession is still followed by a large crowd.
What happened to the Holy Cord?
Raised, rolled up and sealed in a reliquary, the “celestial Cord woven by the hand of the Angels” was placed in the oratory dedicated to the Virgin Mary in the Neuf Bourg. When this chapel was replaced by the sumptuous church of “Notre Dame la Grande”, the shrine was placed under a canopy above the high altar. Unfortunately, the Holy Cordon that fell from heaven was later destroyed during the Revolution.
2. Our Lady of the Ardents in 1105 – Arras, France

In 1105, Arras was hit by the fire disease, which had already affected part of Europe, and invaded the Artois region. Fiery disease, also known at the time as “hellfire”, was one of the infectious diseases that ravaged the West in the Middle Ages. Those who suffered from it had a burning sensation and saw their limbs turn black and decay. The bishop of Arras, Lambert, seeing his city decimated by the terrible disease, implored the protection of the Virgin. He was granted.
During the night of May 24th to 25th 1105, the Virgin appeared successively to two minstrels, Itier and Pierre Norman. They lived far from Valenciennes, the former in Brabant and the latter in the castle of Saint-Pol en Ternois, and they hated each other because Norman had killed Itier’s brother. The Virgin appeared to Itier and gave him a message that the chronicle, written less than 20 years later, reports as follows:
“You are sleeping, are you sleeping? Listen to what I have to say to you: Get up and leave for the holy Zion of Arras, a sacred place where so many sick people, some 144 in total, endure mortal sufferings. When you arrive, I will let you know the place and time so that you can speak to the priest Lambert who governs this church and tell him about this vision. You will recommend that he, the third one, keep watch during the night from Saturday to Sunday, and visit the sick who are in the church.
At the first crowing of the cock, a woman, dressed as I am now, will come down from the top of the church, holding a candle in her hand, which she will give to you. When you have received it and lighted it, you will drip the wax into vessels full of water, which you will give to the sick to drink and pour over their wounds; and do not doubt that those who receive this remedy with faith will be restored to health; those who, on the contrary, do not believe, will die of their illness.
You will associate with Norman, the very one to whom you bear a mortal hatred, and who will be in your presence next Saturday; and when you have reconciled together, you will admit him as your third companion.”
Norman received a similar message the same night. For both men the apparition was repeated the following night. They went to Arras and met separately with the bishop. He managed to reconcile them. To prepare for the event announced for Saturday, the bishop made them fast on bread and water, and all three spent the night in prayer in the cathedral. On Saturday May 27th, around 3am, in the archway of the cathedral, they saw the Virgin coming down, radiant and bright, holding a lighted candle in her hands. According to the chronicle, the Virgin then said to the minstrels:
“Come nearer! Here is a candle which will henceforth be the special pledge of my mercy and which I entrust to you. Anyone who is afflicted with the evil called infernal fire need only distil drops of this candle into water and sprinkle it on his wounds, which will be healed immediately. He who believes will be saved; but he who does not believe will be struck down with death.”
Then Our Lady disappeared into the air. Immediately what Our Lady had asked for was carried out and the 144 sick people were healed, except for one who did not believe in the promise.
In 1106, a confraternity called “Charity of Our Lady of the Ardents” was established to maintain the devotion to the Holy Virgin and to show the gratitude and thankfulness that we owe her. The main role of the bishop Lambert should be noted here: he receives the account of the apparitions, reconciles the visionaries and is present when the Holy Candle is handed over to them.
To read more about the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin, recognized by the Church