Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the M.I. in Paris

Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the M.I. in Paris

On the 16th of October 2017 the hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Militia Immaculate by Father Kolbe took place. On Saturday, the 14th of October, a “Centenary Day” was held in Paris.

171014 journee centenaire milicie immaculee paris 001On the 16th of October 2017 the hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Militia Immaculate by Father Kolbe took place. On Saturday, the 14th of October, a “Centenary Day” was held in Paris, in the premises of the priory of Our Lady of Consolation, organized by the Fraternity of St. Pius X in partnership with the Capuchin Fathers of the convent of St. Francis of Morgon, who are so devoted to this work.

It was held under the chairmanship of Father Christian Bouchacourt, Superior of the District of France of the SSPX, who celebrated Holy Mass in the magnificent church of Our Lady of Consolation. After the Holy Mass he gave an introduction to the “Centenary Day” of the Militia of the Immaculate.

171014 journee centenaire milicie immaculee paris 01With the first lecture, conference participants studied a particular case of what Pierre Blanchard calls the “causality of saints”. Father Diego-Joseph, Capuchin of Morgon, first speaker introduced the attendees to the great figure of Father Kolbe, who died in a concentration camp on the 14th of August 1941, in the heroic exercise of the confession of Faith, his priestly ministry and supernatural charity.

With the second lecture, listeners were confronted with what Pierre Blanchard calls “the causality of Satan”. Indeed, the Mystery of iniquity is incarnated in Freemasonry. Since Pope Leo XIII denounced Freemasonry in a recent encyclical (Humanum genus, the 20th of April 1884), with so much gravity, strength, and moderation in this very force, no believer will deny the Mystery of Iniquity.

It was Father Paul-Marie, Capuchin of Morgon, who gave the third conference, in which people saw how Father Kolbe’s Militia Immaculatae is a concrete fulfillment of the prophecy of the Gospel, in the Book of Genesis: “I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel” (Gen. 3:15).

171014 journee centenaire milicie immaculee paris 02Father de Montfort, the Marian spiritual master of Father Kolbe, in his Treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin, gives it the great traditional commentary. The general theme is the struggle between the two cities or, in other words, against the anti-Christian conjuration.

Father Kolbe was a spiritual son of Father de Montfort, the 300th anniversary of whose death in 2016 we have just celebrated. There is no doubt that the Militia of the Immaculate is part of this great Montfortian vision of the History of Salvation, which announces the Victory of the Immaculate over Freemasonry and the Antichrist.

source: www.laportelatine.org

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