Conference “The Great Secret of Fatima”

Conference “The Great Secret of Fatima”

On the 27th of November, on the first Sunday of Advent, the Miraculous Medal feast day, the Goa faithful were graced to have a Conference in Goa on “The Great Secret of Fatima”. Rev. Fr. Karl Stehlin — FSSPX District Superior of Asia was the main preacher at this conference. The Conference was a one day Conference and it was the fourth Conference in Goa. Approximately around 90 faithful from Goa and from outside Goa attended the Conference. After the MC — Mr. Flavio Raposo gave a welcome note to the faithful and a brief introduction about the preacher; Fr. Karl Stehlin began the Conference by leading us to sing the “Veni Creator”.

3a conferenceAt the beginning of the Conference, Fr. Stehlin explained briefly on the Importance of the Role of Fatima in Christianity. He explained about the Apparition of the Holy Angel, the Guardian Angel of Portugal to the three children of Fatima who taught them the Reparatory prayers to make Reparation to the Holy Trinity for the sins of mankind who blasphemously attack and deny the Dogma of the Blessed Sacrament Real Presence. The Angel commanded them to pray and do sacrifices for sinners. The Apparition of the Angel prepared the way for the children for the Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima. Fr. Stehlin opened our minds to the fact on the reasons of why Our Lady chose only Portugal, rather than the other Catholic nations, to widespread her message of Peace. He also gave us a short background about the rich Catholic history of the nation of Portugal. Portugal — even before the Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima was called as the “Land of Holy Mary”. On August 14, 1385, at the Vigil of the Assumption, through the miraculous intervention of Mary, a decisive battle against the Castilian forces was won at the plateau of Fatima by Blessed Dom Nuno Alvares Pereira, which marked the ascendancy of Portugal in international prominence, which became instrumental in leading Crusades and bringing the Gospel to the Third World, including Goa.

In 1646, 8 days after the ascendancy of John IV (restorer of the National Independence of Portugal) to his throne, the nation of Portugal was publicly consecrated to the Our Lady Immaculate Conception.

In 1917, at the height of the trials of the Masonic revolutionary persecutions of the Church in Portugal, Our Lady appears to save her dear children (the nation of Portugal) from all its enemies. And as the nation of Portugal was receptive to bring the Gospel to all other nations, the same nation of Portugal is chosen by the Blessed Virgin Mary to bring her Message of Peace in this world.

3b conferenceOn 13th July 1917, first Secret revealed by Our Lady of Fatima to the three children was the vision of Hell, with the message of saving poor souls by sacrifices, suffering and prayer and revealed God’s Will to establish in the world the devotion to her Immaculate Heart. Father preached about the importance of preserving the First Five Saturdays devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the importance of offering prayers and sacrifices for the conversion of sinners. Also Father related the facts that today many a Catholic clergy deny the Dogma of Hell, even making false statements that Hell doesn’t exist… Its empty… All go to heaven… etc. Our Mother in heaven revealed to the Church today, by means of this vision of hell that the Dogma of the existence of Hell is true, and we should avoid it by means of the way that She points out to us. We Catholics have an obligation to save our souls and to pray and make sacrifices to save other souls who are on the road to hell.

In the second Conference, Fr. Stehlin explained the second Secret of Fatima which consists of the Our Lady’s request for the Consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart by the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world. Our Lady also promised a period of peace in the world if the Consecration of Russia is done as per her request, or if the Consecration is not done then Russia would spread her errors causing wars in the world and the persecution of the Church. Fr. Stehlin explained that the children of Fatima suffered greatly from the hands of the Freemasonic state leaders because of their thorough determination not to reveal the Secret of Our Lady. The children at all cost held the Secret in their hearts and made sure not to go against Our Lady’s wishes. Father spoke that the collegial Consecration of Russia by the Church authorities as per Our Lady’s request was not done till date and since the request of Our Lady was not heeded by them and it resulted in the disastric crisis in the Church today. Pope after Pope failed to Consecrate Russia as per Our Lady’s request. Pope Pius XII had done the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, but many of the Bishops did not participate in this Consecration. In 1984 Pope John Paul II did the Consecration, but did not take the name of Russia. So the Consecration of Russia is not done till date by any Pope. Father also explained that God by his Mercy had revoked his justice for the sake of his salvific intention of saving souls from hell by the manifest description of the chastisements and vision of hell, and also gave us the means to avoid them by the

1) Establishement of devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary with the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays.
2) Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
3) And by daily recitation of the Rosary.

3c conferenceAfter the second Conference followed the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass where in his sermon Father explained the importance of the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass. After Holy Mass was the lunch break. During lunch break the faithful were displayed a short documentary on the Role of Fatima in the world’s peace plan.

After the lunch break, Father began with the Conference on the Third Secret of Fatima. He expressly stated Our Lady commanded Sister Lucia that the Third Secret should be revealed not before 1960. The various interviews with Sister Lucia by various Fatima experts, displayed that the Third Secret was about to be publicly released by Sister Lucia in the year before 1960. The world awaited for the Third Secret, but to the scandal and disappointments of all Catholics, Pope John XXIII rejected it and since then has never been revealed in public by the Vatican. Sister Lucia inspite of the command of her Bishop to write down the Secret, could not write it for two & half months because of the great anguish with regards to its contents. It took a special intervention of Our Lady, who appeared to her and gave her courage to write down the Secret. Regarding the Third Secret of Fatima, Sister Lucia gives us only a hint of the Secret in this line: “In Portugal, the Dogma of Faith will always be preserved… etc!” Fr. Stehlin said that the Fatima experts saw in this line and the pointed out date of 1960, that Our Lady wanted to warn the Church about the crisis and dangers that were about to come in the Church, which were introduced by the Vatican II council at the wake of 1960.

On June 26, 2000 the Vatican released publicly a Secret which was called the Third Secret of Fatima. When the contents were read by various Fatima experts, they all found it meaningless and complicated. Discerning over the previous writings of Sister Lucia, it was found that her previous writings about the Fatima Secrets were very simple and more profound in understanding, quite different than the current Secret writings that made the Third Secret look more symbolical and meaningless. The so-called Third Secret of Fatima released by the Vatican was judged by the Fatima experts as not the real Secret of Fatima since it was found that the Third Secret was a typed out version, rather than a written version of Sister Lucia which does not give a proof that it was she herself who wrote it. Also Father explained that when Sister Lucia wanted to write the Third Secret, she couldn’t write it down for two and half months because of its content that Our Lady had to appear to her to give her strength to write it. So it could not be that Sister Lucia was so learned in portraying the Third Secret in the form of a vision, which has nothing to display of such an anguishing content that she suffered to write. So Fr. Stehlin came to the conclusion that the Third Secret was not yet released by the Vatican and the so-called Third Secret which was released by the Vatican is a not the true one.

After the Coffee break, Fr. Stehlin gave a Conference on the Militia Immaculatae, on the findings of the Militia, on the life of St. Maximilian Kolbe and the importance of the Consecration to the Immaculata as Knights of the Immaculata and their norms. He also gave us some testimonials that displayed the graces received by some faithful through this Consecration.

A Catholic school was saved from shut down when the all the children and teachers did their Consecration as Knights of the Immaculata.

A village in Philippines where there was no peace due to constant revolutionary attacks was saved, when all the villagers consecrated themselves as Knights of the Immaculata and consecrated their village to Our Lady.

A couple was saved from divorce when they offered their breaking marraige to Our Lady by consecrating themselves as Knights of the Immaculata.

On this day of the Conference 33 faithful enrolled themselves as Knights of the Immaculata.

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