Divine peace or false diabolical peace?

Divine peace or false diabolical peace?

Engl 0000524May 13th, 1917

The Woman of the Apocalypse is there dressed in sun and light, strength and gentleness. The world seeking violence is running after a false peace. In the smoke of sulphur and camphor, in the vapours of impurity and sensual pleasures, the sinner wants to be at peace in his filth and vice. The peace he seeks is a numbness of conscience: he no longer wants to hear it, he no longer wants to fight against what should bring him to the light and, not wanting to choose God, he wants to remain and remain in darkness and hatred. Poor sinner! Poor me!

Yet even today, the Woman of the Apocalypse, wrapped in light, is there to give him the Peace that she and her divine Son bought with their blood.

Yet even today, She who crushes the head of the devil, of evil, of darkness and of your sin, is still there to give you the Peace, the forgiveness, the help of God bought at the price of her tears and her blood.

Yet even today, cloaked in justice and holiness, the Blessed Mother of God is here, not to judge for the judgment belongs to Our Lord Jesus Christ, but to give you the final means of salvation.

These last means will be your passport on the day of judgement: the prayer of the Rosary, which will make you meditate on the life of Jesus, his mysteries and his graces; and the devotion of reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which will cleanse your conscience and your soul through the Sacrament of Confession and Communion.

Is this not the moment, at last, for you to do what the Woman of the Apocalypse so gently asks of you? The greatness and strength of this Woman does not consist in what the world teaches you. She is not in violence but in peace.

But do not be mistaken! Gentleness does not mean weakness, ecumenism, or softness, or liberalism! All these are but counterfeits of the gentleness and peace of Mary. The Immaculata will give Peace while continuing to crush the head of the serpent, while continuing to crush the head of your sins (capital sins). It is the strength of her virginal foot that makes both the devil and your conscience scream.

So, if you want peace, fulfil her requests first at home and spread the Queen’s urgent desires around you: become an apostle of Fatima.

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