A vast campaign of the Rosary and to fight against the establishment of totalitarian systems of communist inspiration and “the epidemic of the Coronavirus”, is organized in several countries.
Some people organize themselves via telgram or Internet.
To participate, all you have to do is go to the calvary or the public church closest to your house, on Wednesday evening and pray the ROSARY alone or in a small group.
In Germany:
On Telegram: https://t.me/deutschlandbetet
On internet : https://www.deutschland-betet-rosenkranz.de/
If you open this link and click on “see map”, you get an overview of the places where the rosary is prayed. You can also search for the specific address / location and you also get the day of the week and time.

In Austria:
On Telegram: https://t.me/oesterreichbetet
On internet : https://oesterreich-betet.at/
If you open this link and click on “see map”, you get an overview of the places where the rosary is prayed. You can also search for the specific address / location and you also get the day of the week and time.

In France :
On Telegram: https://t.me/lafranceprie/113
If you open this link and click on “see map”, you get an overview of the places where the rosary is prayed. You can also search for the specific address/place and you also get the day of the week and the time.
In Switzerland:
On Telegram: https://t.me/dieschweizbetet
and Internet: https://die-schweiz-betet.ch/
If you open this link and click on “see map”, you get an overview of the places where the rosary is prayed. You can also search for the specific address/place and you also get the day of the week and the time.
In Luxembourg:
On Telegram: https://t.me/+dNF0PjmZURE4Y2E0
Find out more: https://m-i.info/fr/le-luxembourg-prie/
In Italy:
On Telegram: https://t.me/italiaprega
and on the Internet: https://italiaprega.info
Map: http://italiaprega.info/#karte
For all other countries click here