Fatima Mission at Mackay (Australia)

Fatima Mission at Mackay (Australia)

On the weekend of 7-9 July, Fr Paul Robinson preached a Fatima mission at Mackay and he accepted 25 new Knights in the Militia Immaculatae.

news867aOn the weekend of 7-9 July, Fr Paul Robinson left a Latin final examination behind at Holy Cross Seminary in order to travel to Mackay, in Queensland, Australia. While there, he preached a Fatima mission, which included one conference on Friday, three on Saturday, and one on Sunday. At the conclusion of the mission, 25 new members were enrolled in the M.I., 11 of whom share Fr Robinson’s last name!

In the course of the mission, Fr Robinson pointed out that Freemasonry and Communism are movements with global ideologies. They have a vision for the entire human race, which they claim will better it and, in a certain sense, redeem it. Because their ideologies concern all human beings, they have been effective in recruiting millions of people from all nations to give their lives for their godless agendas. While Freemasonry and Communism have been quite successful in pursuing their goals, they have not improved the human race. On the contrary, they have only brought great bloodshed, immorality, and unhappiness to the human race.

The real plan for the human race is the one given by God at Fatima. He wills that devotion to the Immaculate Heart be the means to save the human race from the evils of Freemasonry and Communism, the final remedy for humans to save themselves from the clutches of Satan. He wants Catholics to offer their lives to the Immaculate with as much fervor, if not more fervor, than dedicated Freemasons and Communists. Catholics are to enlist themselves in the army of the Immaculate so as to overcome, with spiritual weapons, the combined forces of the elite powers that dictate today’s globalist agenda.


Our Lady (and the angel of Portugal) provided the three seers of Fatima — and so us as well — very concrete intentions to defeat evil, that is, sin, in our times. We are to pray, sacrifice, and receive Holy Communion for two intentions: reparation for sin and the conversion of sinners. We are to do them reciting the four prayers taught to the children by the angel and Our Lady.

Beyond these spiritual works, we must also do works of apostolate. We must recruit, more actively than the Freemasons and Communists, new members of Our Lady’s army. We must seek to bring all the people of the world to devote themselves to the Immaculate Heart. Such was the vision of St Maximilian Kolbe. Such is the role that we have to play in bringing about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart in our materialistic world.



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