1. Spiritual and material Apostolate
In the International Headquarter of the M.I. located in Warsaw in Poland 
In November 2018, the Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X approved and blessed the establishment of the International Headquarters of the M.I. in Warsaw, Poland – country of Father Maximilian Kolbe. The works and missions of the International Headquarters of the Militia Immaculatæ are as follows:
- Spiritual support of priests and faithful from various countries for the creation of the M.I;
- Propagation of the M.I. in all countries and continents, among priests and lay people, then, support and development among local coordinators and moderators;
- Updates and administration of M.I. websites in 18 languages;
- Development and sourcing of M.I. all over the world;
- Editing, conception, design, printing of publications in paper format in different languages;
- Publication of apostolic materials on social networks (videos, virtual cards, conferences…);
- Coordination of the activities of the Knights;
2. To date the international headquarters has printed publications in 19 languages
FRENCH: 37 kinds of leaflets in 2500 copies each, 8 new books and 2 special magazine “Le Chevalier de l’immaculée” for the apostolate of the M.I. in France.
POLISH: 120 books and brochures, as well as 25 leaflets; Publication of a magazine “The Triumph of the Immaculate” (for the Knights), every three months and a publication for the children of the Eucharistic Crusade, “Rycerzyk” (the Little Knight), every three months.
SPANISH: 4 Spanish books, 42 leaflets and the second issue of the magazine “Caballero de la Inmaculada” for the Seminar in Argentina, but also Chile, Uruguay, Peru and Colombia …
RUSSIAN: 18 kinds of Russian leaflets, 6 books and issue of the bulletin “Knight” (“Рыцарь Непорочной”).
GERMAN: 7 books; Slovenian: 1 leaflet; Lithuanian: 4 books and 1 leaflet
ITALIAN: 3 leaflets; Portuguese: a leaflet
SLOVAKIA: 1 leaflet; Ukrainian: 1 book and 1 leaflet
DUTCH (4 leaflets and 2 brochures)
CHINESE (2 leaflets), KOREAN (2 leaflets), JAPANESE (5 leaflets), VIETNAMESE (13 leaflets)
SINHALSE: 1 leaflet; INDONESIAN: 2 books and 2 leaflets
We calculate that we are only producing 1/4 of all the items available in our digital library, in print format. All these publications in paper or digital format are sent to the Knights for apostolic work and spread the Name of Mary to make Her loved and known.
To know more about the Organization of the Militia Immaculatæ Traditionalis Observance