Knights’ Lenten Journey 2018

Knights’ Lenten Journey 2018

The Knights of the Militia Immaculatae in Chennai (India) are very active. During last Lent organized many spiritually activites.

  1. Stations of the Cross

The Knights of Chennai gathered together every Friday evening in Lent to pray the Way of the Cross, This devotion was the foundation of our Lenten journey. Meditating on the Via Crucis by St. Alphonsus Liguori inflamed us with love for the Saviour and His Dolorous Mother.

The intention of this devotion was to make Reparation for Blasphemies against Our Lord and His Holy Mother


  1. Lenten Pilgrimage to 7 Churches:

news1140aThe Traditional Latin Mass Community of Chennai (India) visited 7 Churches as a Lenten Pilgrimage in honour of the 7 times Our Lord was moved from one place to another from the Garden of Gethsemane to Calvary. At each Church we prayed in silence contemplating on the event we commemorated at that Church, Prayed 2 Stations and one decade of the Holy Rosary. It was a day well spent in prayer contemplating on the Passion of Our Lord.

Intention: For the well-being of our SSPX Priests and Bishops

First Church: Shrine of Our Lady of Light (Contemplating The Agony of Our Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane)

Second Church: Our Lady of Good Health Little Mount (Contemplating Jesus taken to the House of Annas the high Priest)

Third Church: St. Louis Church (Contemplating Jesus taken to the council of Caiaphas the High Priest)

Fourth Church: St. Anthony’s Shrine (Contemplating Jesus taken to the court of Pontius Pilate)

Fifth Church: Sts. Joachim and Anne Church (Contemplating Jesus taken to the palace of King Herod)

Sixth Church: Our Lady of Lourdes Church (Contemplating Jesus taken again to the court of Pontius Pilate to be condemned to death)

Seventh Church: Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Contemplating the death of Jesus on Mount Calvary)


  1. 2nd Annual Penitential Walk

news1140cOn the 17th of March, We the Knights of the Militia Immaculatae from the Traditional Latin Mass Community of Chennai (India) undertook our 2nd Annual Penitential Walk in reparation for the sacrilegious acts against the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

We walked from Royapettah to St. Thomas Mount, the place where St. Thomas was martyred, along this 13 kilometer walk we prayed the Rosary and sang hymns; sometimes in silence contemplated the passion and death of our Lord, on reaching the foot of St. Thomas Mount we prayed the Stations of the Cross as we climbed the hill to the spot of the Apostle’s martyrdom.

As an additional blessing! We had the privilege of Venerating the Relics of St. Anthony of Padua.

The Traditional Latin Mass Community of Chennai (India), was given the opportunity to lead the prayers in Latin at the veneration of the relics of St. Anthony of Padua, we visited St. Sebastian’s church representing the TLM Community.  We consider this as a miracle through the intercession of St. Anthony himself, because we were the only external group that was allowed to lead the prayers, not even other parishes were accorded this privilege.

As we gathered to venerate his relics, a piece of his flesh and rib bone, we lead the prayers in Latin for an hour. We prayed the Rosary and chanted the Litanies of St. Anthony and Our Blessed Mother. It was truly a serene moment for each of us as we stood in front of his relics honouring him in prayer.

We would like to thank our Father Director and District Superior, Fr. Karl Stehlin for his constant support and prayers for us and our Prior Fr. Therasian Babu for always encouraging us in deed and prayer in all our endeavours.

Our SSPX priests who minister to us lead us by example in their piety and zealous service to our Lord and His Holy Mother and watching them makes us undertake many more spiritual exercises for the salvation of our souls.

God Bless our priests! God Bless the SSPX!

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