Marian Booth in Mukwonago (U.S.)

Marian Booth in Mukwonago (U.S.)

Knights of the Immaculata of St. Pius V Church (SPV) of Mukwonago, WI participated in a local vendor festival during the weekend of July 21st & 22nd.

20180721 112442In the spirit of St. Maximilian Kolbe as indicated in the statutes of the Militia Immaculatae, “to work for the conversion to God of all men… under the patronage and through the mediation of the Immaculate Virgin,” St. Pius V Church (SPV) of Mukwonago, WI participated in a local vendor festival during the weekend of July 21st & 22nd.

Only a few hundred yards from the church, The Maxwell Street Days hosts hundreds of vendors and receives thousands of visitors. It seemed to be a no-brainer to put Our Lady at the center of this event.

20180721 112416This was the first year SPV participated in the festival and did not receive a prime location, but each successive year we can get closer to the vendor center. The goal is to distribute Miraculous Medals, Scapulars, Rosaries, pamphlets, and parish “business” cards, and to also make available popular Marian books and audio for sale; “to use all valid and legitimate means for the conversion and sanctification of men.”

20180721 112408Thanks to Angelus Press in designing the Marian booth to attract visitors, Father James Trummer and parishioners of SPV mingled with a full spectrum of people. It took some prudence to read body language; people who appeared hostile with a clear barrier to what was being advertised we let pass with just a smile or polite word, but most others we would try to greet and draw in to receive a Miraculous Medal.

A smile goes a long way and some who first passed by, came back later to talk to us and receive a medal. Some people thanked us, others gave donations, and there were even a handful of Protestants who wanted to discuss religion and the Bible. It was an opportune time to calmly test one’s ability to defend the Faith against the enemies of the Church.

20180721 112347 1Overall Father Trummer believes it had a great impact and hundreds of Miraculous Medals were distributed. Faithfull of St. Pius V Church will participate in another local vendor festival the weekend of August 18th & 19th. Ave Maria!

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