May — the month dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary

May — the month dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Dear Knight of the Militia Immaculatae,


Today brings us to the 1st of May — the month dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. What better motive could Knights need for living up to the Act of Consecration to Mary they made at their enrolments and renewing their efforts to win more souls for the Immaculata?

 May, being Mary’s month, gives us the perfect excuse to distribute Miraculous Medals and flyers from the M.I. corners in the chapels we attend. Be sure to have a few to hand for when an opportunity presents itself. Personal experience shows that few people will decline to accept a Miraculous medal when one is offered.  Each of these sacramentals acts as a channel for the flow of Mary’s graces into the souls of whoever accepts them – and we can safely leave the rest to her.  Only last night I received a request from someone who had been offered a flyer and who had felt prompted to investigate, and is now seeking to be enrolled. 
Let us each, not only as Knights of the M.I. but also as recipients of the Sacrament of Confirmation, show ourselves to be soldiers in the battle to win souls for Our Lord through his Blessed Mother.
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