New flyers

New flyers

We are offering 2 flyers. One flyer about the Novena to Our Lady of Pompeii and the Apparitions of Our Lady in Akita (Japan).

news1132Flyer about the Novena to Our Lady of Pompeii
We are offering flyer about the Novena to Our Lady of Pompeii. This flyer contains about the Miraculous 54-day Rosary Novena. We can read about history of novena, the miraculous events and how to pray the novena.

Flyer Novena to Our Lady of Pompeii — download in M.I. Library


Flyer about the apparitions of Our Lady in Akita (Japan)
Other flyer concerns the apparitions of Our Lady in Akita (Japan) to Sr. Agnes Sasagawa. These messages from Fatima and Akita are both daunting, but they end in a promise of triumph.
In the message of Akita, the same Mother reminds her children of the warnings she gave at Fatima, but which we have begun to forget.

Flyer The Apparitions of Our Lady in Akita — download in M.I. Library


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