On Sunday the 11th of August 2019, Fr. Robert Brucciani enrolled a further 12 Knights into the Militia Immaculatae at the parish of St. Anne in Leicester. Of the 12, one was Polish, one French, one from the Philippines and the remainder were families who travel long distances to attend Mass at the Chapel.
New and very zealous local co-ordinators have been appointed in the parishes of Saints Margaret and Leonard (Edinburgh) and St.Pius V (Groombridge). New local co-ordinators are required at St. Michael’s School (Burghclere) and St. George’s (Wimbledon) due to relocation and illness respectively.
Plans are afoot to launch the M.I. in the parish of Taunton in the South-West of the District where a local co-ordinator will also be required. May the Immaculata continue to help her Militia to expand in the District and throughout the world.
The M.I. in the District of Great Britain: