New Knights in Poland

New Knights in Poland

We are happy to announce about new Knights in Poland, in Europe.

In Poland, Father Christopher Gołębiewski, priest of the M.I. of Poland, organized days of recollection for the members of the Militia Immaculatae.Poland

Father gave lectures. He stressed that the foundation of each apostolate must be an inner life and prayer, and all external actions such as the organization of lectures, conferences, publishing magazines, writing articles or talking with other people must flow from the interior and a strong spiritual foundation. Each of day of recollection ended with a ceremony of enrollment of a new Knight and those who already belonged to the M.I. renewed their act of consecration to the Immaculata.

The Militia Immaculate has 1 new Knight in Gdynia, 10 — in Warsaw, 1 — in Cracow, 8 — in Rzeszow.

Let us zealously pray for the new Knights, that they aspire to the ideals of the M.I.




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