New Knights in Poznań (Poland)

New Knights in Poznań (Poland)

IMG 3984From the 12th -14th of April 2019 in Poznań’s chapel of St. Joseph, there took place a Lenten retreat preached by Rev. Fr. Karl Stehlin.

The retreat started at the point where Holy Church mentions the Seven Sorrows of the Mother of God, so these matters were the subject of the first lecture. With great fervour Father described the huge sorrows which the Blessed Virgin Mary suffered through her whole life, especially at the time of the Passion of her beloved Son. Through it she became the Co-Redeemer and New Eve.

The next conferences focused on the great role of the Sorrowful Mother of God in the Church Militant, especially in the last times, in which only the souls devoted to HER can persevere. The Immaculate asked them to be HER INSTRUMENTS, to help her through their small prayers, sacrifices and apostolic work to save many souls from eternal damnation.

At the end of the retreat (on Palm Sunday) the Director of the M.I. Traditional Observance, after renewing the act of consecration to the Mother of God by the knights who were present, accepted 36 new members.

May this still-growing spiritual army zealously fulfil its honourable mission!

In the photo: procession on Palm Sunday

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