

YEAR 2023

  • From Perth in Western Australia Fr. Tim visited Brisbane, Melbourne, Goulburn and Sydney to conclude his trip with Auckland and Wanganui in New Zealand telling to all faithful : “You are her instrument! You rely on her power not your own!” And so it was that some 457 Knights and aspirants were given 1271 medals to be distributed to those whom she wishes.

YEAR 2016

  • At the end of August Father Karl Stehlin preached recollections in New Zealand. In only a few days Father Stehlin accepted 210 new Knights of the Immaculata.
  • In the Immaculate Heart of Mary chapel in Auckland, Father accepted 27 new Knights. In this chapel, Fr. MacPherson, moderator M.I. for New Zealand, leads a very active Marian Apostolate. During short recollections at St Dominic’s Girls School at Wanganui, Father Stehlin accepted 31 new Knights. The Dominican Sisters of Wanganui are working in this school.
  • In St. Augustine’s Boys School at Wanganui, we have 23 new Knights . In this school the Principal is Fr. Andrew Cranshaw.
  • In Saint Michael the Archangel Chapel at Wellington, Father Stehlin accepted 14 new Knights. Fr. Lavin takes spiritual care of the faithful from this chapel.
  • On August 28th, at Saint Anthony of Padua Church at Wanganui, during Parish Recollection Day, Father Stehlin preached two conferences about Our Lady and the Militia Immaculatae and
    at the end he accepted 115 new Knights. Fr. Bochholtz, parish priest, was very happy.
  • In September we will have more new Knights in New Caledonia and Vanuatu. The next enrolments will take place in October in Auckland, Napier, Hamilton and Wanganui. Deo per Immaculatam gratias


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