Sainte Croix 14 septembre 2023 pr article

My Creator made me young and slender. Sprung from his hands and lovingly planted, I soared towards Heaven, following the laws of nature established for all conifers of my kind. Unaware of what was going to happen to me, for I am a creature without reason nor intelligence, I grewRead More →

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Her name has become so common that it has lost all its flavour and sweetness? Modernists are so accustomed to speak and write of “Mary” without mentioning any of her titles that she has been reduced to a banality by men who owe her supernatural life, Redemption, the possibility ofRead More →

fete du coeur immaculee 2023 pr article

“When I will be lifted from the ground, I will draw everything to me”. The first to be attracted, absorbed, delivered, crucified with Him is She, who is standing at his feet, the Immaculata: stabat Mater. She cannot sit down because she is attracted towards Her divine Son as theRead More →

knight magazine 33 19 aout 2023 pr article

Mary under her most beautiful title and in her most glorious prerogative: Mother of God. This title and prerogative were solemnly proclaimed by the Council of Ephesus, to oppose the Nestorian heresy. Today the Church congratulates Mary for this supreme dignity, which raises her above all other creatures, even toRead More →

dignite juillet 2023

Ave Maria! Is the dignity of man what we say in the 21st century, a kind of uniformity, a false equality between all? Is there not a greater dignity, more external to man, superior to him, which would increase his real value and place him in his true dimension, asRead More →

Apparitions mariales reconnues par lEglise ND du marillais pr article

The first official Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin, September 8th Saint Maurille was a disciple of Saint Martin. Originally from Italy, he became a monk at Marmoutier. He founded a monastery near Chalonnes in Anjou and in 423 he became bishop of Angers. According to a very oldRead More →

visite sanctuaires

Dear Knights of the Immaculata, 3 Knights (2 benefactors from the Philippines and one from MI 3) are going to tour the Marian shrines (and more) in France over the next few days, as listed below: 1. Ars 2 Our Lady of Fourvière in Lyon 3. Our Lady of LaRead More →