YEAR 2016 On December 8, Festival of the Immaculate Conception and Patronal Festival of MI, 45 new knights were accepted at the only seat of the Austrian district of Jaidhof. To know more…Pour en savoir plus… YEAR 2015 Father Stefan Frey, superior of the district, invited Benjamin Aepli from SwitzerlandRead More →

Dear knights of the IMMACULATA!

From all my heart I wish you the abundance of the Divine LIGHT FOR THE HOLY FEAST OF THE RESURRECTION OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST.

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Blessed be Immaculate!

Dear Knights,
During Lent saint Maximilian reminds us that „Jesus unambiguously emphasized the need of atonement and Immaculate also pointed out a penance as Her wish towards Bernadette. „How we should perform penance?” this is the question of founder of Niepokalanow, who knew that everyone admit that their life is carpeted with crosses, but not in every case health and duties permit us to suffer severely”. This worshipper of Mary, when he was kneeling next to the miraculous cave, knew that „accepting these crosses is a great opportunity to practice penance. What is more, fulfilling duties and God’s will at every moment (both in actions and words) takes many sacrifices of what gives us pleasure — this is the most abundant source of atonement”. However, Saint Maximilian realized that we are humans, not angels. He proved it, when he noted „I am afraid of suffering and humiliation but I find it comforting that Jesus wanted to feel the same in the Garden of Gethsemane. Graces come exactly when we need it”.

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Dear Knights of the Immaculata!

Allow me to inform you, that we just finished the annual priests‘ meeting of the district of Asia in Manila. The theme of the meeting was: “towards 2017”. We all are aware that 2017 will be a crucial year of anniversaries: 500 years of Protestantism, 300 years of Freemasonry, 100 years of Communism on the one hand, 100 years of Fatima apparitions and establishment of the Militia Immaculatae on the other hand. We are fully aware, that in comparison with the gigantic armies of the enemies of our salvation we are nothing. As Saint Maximilian Kolbe often said, we are only miserable zeroes. If you put many zeroes together, the result will be always zero (00000 … = 0). But just put a ‚one‘ before the zeroes, you will have a complete different result: 1 000000… The “one” is the Immaculata, we are the zeroes.

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Blessed be Immaculate!
Dear Knights,

While looking for a receipe for sanctity, we often delude ourselves that it is all about great acts or severe mortifing which were practiced by those who became canonized.  The contrast between us and them with no doubts makes us feel uncomfortable and often there is a subtle discouragement that consoles the old Adam inside us: “forget it, it costs you too much”. What is more, when we go through a solid portion of family or work problems, the enemy of our salvation rubs his hands with satisfaction.

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Dear Knights of the Immaculata!

Allow me to inform you, that I was received on 17 December 2014 by His Eminence Cardinal Ranjith, archbishop from Colombo, and on January 17 by His Grace Gregory Antonysamy, archbishop from Chennai. To each of them I could give my books „Who are you, o Immaculata”, and „The Immaculata Our Ideal”, and both Cardinal Ranjith and Archbishop Antonysamy were very thankful for these modest gifts. In April I will be received by the archbishop from Delhi. Also meetings with the archbishops of Singapore and Kuala Lumpur are foreseen.
Therefore I want to write you this letter, to ask your fervent prayers for the good issue of these meetings. Why they are so important? Because the glory of God and the salvation of many souls is at stake!

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Blessed be Immaculate!


Dear Knights,

the bright of the Bethlehem’ night is not gone yet and New Year, a new beginning is already before us. Shepherds were sure that God visited His people and they came back to their flocks. Seemingly nothing has changed. The same hard work and daily troubles wait for us every single day. However, hearts have changed due to the belief in the words of angel and thanks to the love to the baby Jesus.

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