Blessed be Mary Immaculate!
Dear Knights,
„We have only one life to live and breathe faith” — these simple saint Therese from Child Jesus’ words are destroying all our reservations that are piling up in face of difficulties that seem to be impossible to overcome. All of Saints were well aware of how little time did they have, as we do. The reason why the Church canonized truly free people is rather obvious — in order to show us examples to imitate, to dispel darkness. And we can not be deluded with temptation of thinking that it is impossible because of are flaws and sins. Our nature is unchanging: weak, reluctant to sacrifices and very indulgent towards itself. Saints simply noticed this truth and fell into arms of Holy Mother with no hesitation. They had no second thoughts about crying for help as Saint Maximilian had not — „Look, Mother, what I have done”, he had no doubts about laying his worried head at Her feet. And all of this to gain a fresh power to the war which every soul has to lead.
On every road to God sooner or later we would understand that we have to conquer our human nature — it means no less than hard work over our character, refraining from needless words, overcoming laziness. Of course it costs a lot, nevertheless we should not hesitate to repeat after Saint Peter: there is no rest for us on this world. We believe that our love for Christ will lead us to most varied places and most unexpected circumstances and will demand one and only thing — trust. However, our fallen nature is constantly pulling us down, whispering „You are not going to make it. Turn back.” What then? Battle can be won only in case of obeying commander’ orders because he is able to see wider and deeper than an ordinary soldier. The Providence would not be lenient for us and it has always a plan for a victory that is put into hands of Mary Immaculate. There is no difference if we are eighty or eighteen years old, because our soul is always young. Sometimes it takes a lot of time for a soul that is aimlessly wandering over the world to find a spring of water of life. Unfortunately, we should rid ourselves of all illusions — now we are climbing to the summit and a mountain weather is rather changeable. Sometimes it will be necessary to wait for the end of a storm, holding tightly the chain of a rosary and resist any temptation with a great bravery. How to do that? We should intently study life of Saints, who give us many practical instructions to a spiritual fight. For example Saint Therese and her market of thoughts, saint Gemma’ scruples, Saint John of the Cross and the worst blows from his fellow brothers, saint Louis’ wrecked life plans and at the end Our Lord Jesus Christ who was betrayed, lonely but totally loving and forgiving.
As Saint Peter said, the fire of Christ’ love shakes us out of our apathy. Moreover, it does not become discouraged by our weaknesses and groans but patiently waits for our answer, which, undoubtedly, has to be love. Well, what can we do? The answer is clear — we should love, trust and believe as long as we are on our way to salvation. We cannot forget about a warning that came from Our Lady form Fatima — „Souls like rain fall into Hell”.