Prayer to the Immaculate

Prayer to the Immaculate

O Immaculate, teach me to make good use of the solitude which surrounds me, so that it will not be changed into idleness.

O Immaculate, teach me to make good use of the passivity that surrounds me so that it will not change into anxiety and lack of confidence in you.

O Immaculate, may each temptation that presents itself serve as a springboard to your heart so that even if my body shrivel up because of the lack of exercise, my soul however, will flourish from the milk of your love.

I offer you each soul that passes away on this day in order to crush the doubts that surround me and to believe in you on behalf of all those who do not believe.

I offer you each soul that must give an account to its Judge and Lord in order to sharpen my hope for all those who do not hope.

I offer you each soul that weakens in the fight in order to truly love my neighbour for all those who do not love you.

May all my acts become proofs of my worship so that, placing them in your hands, you may give God the glory due to Him and to console Him for my sins.

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