Progress in District GB & Scandinavia

Progress in District GB & Scandinavia

In recent weeks, one of the chapels in GB (St. Anne’s in Leicester) has opted to offer its Sunday Masses with the assistance of a choir, and this has resulted in a marked increase in the number of faithful who come to Mass. There are now quite a few Polish Catholics present and the chapel is close on full.

The M.I. Corner owner is striving to interest the newcomers in joining the Militia Immaculatæ by handing out English and Polish flyers with Miraculous Medals, and hopes to see other M.I. Corner owners following his example.

Another development in the District is the commencement of a monthly Sunday Mass in the Yorkshire City of Sheffield at the Community Hall associated with St. Mary’s church in Handsworth at 5.00pm on the last Sunday of each month. Beforehand, Traditional Catholics had to travel to the SSPX Mass in Manchester which is 87km away. Already numbers are approaching 30 and the hope is that even more will come along as word spreads, and that there will be new Knights as a result.

There are signs of increased activity in Scandinavia, particularly in Norway, where interest is increasing in receiving flyers and Miraculous Medals to distribute, and there are fund-raising activities including the availability of hand-made rosaries. It is quite true that if one offers the Immaculata an inch, she will take a mile, so the more channels that can be opened up, the more her graces will flow into souls.

The aim is still in place to break through the count of one thousand Knights by Pentecost of this year, marking the 10th anniversary of the founding of the M.I. in the District.

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