Scapular flyer


Scapular flyer


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This leaflet introduces the scapular: its origin, the heavenly promises and the conditions attached to it. It also answers other questions:

  • Is the scapular medal an equal substitute for the scapular?
  • What do the apparitions of Mary in Fatima have to do with the scapular?

Here you can find the German flyer as PDF.

You can find the scapular set here (consisting of a scapular and flyer).

Additional information

Weight 0.005 kg

The creation and production of this flyer requires time and money. The MI apostolate is based on donations. We distribute almost all articles for a free donation and rely on your generosity. If possible, please cover the cost of your order with a contribution towards expenses in the form of a donation. If you can donate something over and above the costs, you will enable us to distribute the Miraculous Medal worldwide, especially in those countries that cannot afford it themselves.


German, French, Italian, Spanish