The spread of good press is still very low today, as very few consider it their duty to spread good literature.
“Sales of religious books today are still very weak. For there are only a few people who recognize their duty to disseminate good literature. Furthermore, there is a lack of genuinely Catholic public libraries, reading rooms, bookstores and lending libraries. It is heartrending to see trash in the display windows of the city libraries and a long line of young people inside…. May God grant that in the near future there will no longer be one single city or village without free libraries and reading rooms supplied with good books and periodicals! Only let groups spring up everywhere to promote the Catholic press, and I assure you, they would renew the face of the earth.” (Manuscript Catholic Action CDM, p. 195–196. 194)
The second-degree M.I. could also become nurseries for new publications, which would defend in particular the ideal of the Immaculata. For this, good editors are needed:
How important the editor of a Catholic publication is!
“Such an editor forms public opinion, he has a great influence on society, and therefore he also has a great responsibility before God. In order that the press produce good fruits, however, every editor must also live a good Catholic life; before writing an article he must pray and ask God for light and strength. If someone wants to give something, he must first have it himself.
It should also be required that the co-workers and editors truly write in the spirit of the M.I., namely, about winning the world for the Immaculata, about saving and sanctifying souls through the Immaculata, while on the other hand avoiding unnecessary attacks against persons, parties, or other nationalities.
Our primary purpose is always the conversion and sanctification of souls, that is, winning them for the Immaculata, loving all souls, even the Jews and Freemasons and heretics, etc.
It follows that the co-workers on the editorial staff are able to write in the spirit of the M.I. only insofar as they themselves not only belong to the M.I. but also live for the Immaculata, so that they view current events, people and their actions through her eyes. … The politician, the scholar, and the economist, too, will write so as to please the Immaculata, so as to be real instruments in the hand of the Immaculata.
Let them write as she would write.
“With the help of the Immaculata we have to tend to this: that the faithful Knights of the Immaculata be everywhere, but particularly in the most important places such as:
- youth education (professors of scientific institutes, teachers, sports clubs);
- the management of public opinion (magazines, newspapers, their drafting and dissemination, public libraries, circulating libraries, etc., conferences, movies, cinemas, etc.);
- fine arts (sculpture, painting, music, theater); and finally
- our Knights of the Immaculata in every field should become the pioneers and leaders in science (natural sciences, history, literature, medicine, law, exact sciences, etc.).
Under our influence and with the assistance of the MI, industrial complexes, businesses, banks, etc., should arise and develop. In a word, the Militia should permeate everything, and in a healthy spirit heal, strengthen, and develop all to the greater glory of God through the Immaculata and for the good of humanity.”