„It shall bruise thy head.” (Gen 3,15)
„Only you have overcome all heresy all over the world.” (From the Roman breviary)
Again and again we can hear the cry of the saints: „Who are you, o Immaculate?” The name of the Immaculate – without imperfection – for Mary is like a preparation from the announcement of the dogma of the immaculate conception of Mary (1854) and of the apparitions in Lourdes (1858), where Mary introduced herself to saint Bernadette with the words “I am the Immaculate Conception”. Saint Maximilian gave Mary almost every time the title of Immaculate. Without knowing what to say, human beings are facing uncountable miracles and mysteries, which have its origin in her. She is representing the masterpiece of God only because of her perfection and power. The church praises her merits and wants us to honour her more than all angels and saints (Hyperdulia).
Her role in the salvation’s work of Christ is the one and only. Through her divine maternity she participates as a new Eva and Co-redeemer. She makes use of the salvation’s fruits for all her children as a mediator of all grace. This way she is given us by God as the power through which people will convert first and then as the way, which leads us to the Christ. We have to thank her for all our personal grace.
She also is the big sign in the sky, which leads the Christian troop in the battle against Satan. She is the victory in all of God’s battles. In particular at the end of the time she will be the last remedy, which God has given the world. This is already predicted in the secret revelation: “A big sign will appear in the sky: a woman surrounded by the sun, the moon under her feet and a crown with twelve stars on her head.” (Revelation 12,1). “Through Mary the world’s salvation has started, through her it will be accomplished, too.” (Saint Louis Mary Grignion of Montfort)
She shows herself who she is directly by her apparitions and indirectly by her anointed instruments in order to prove her inconceivable power to her souls in the moment of the most terrible attack of her enemies. Her heart will become the last refuge of the persecuted and bothered children of God, who want to stand loyal under the crucifix of our Lord. Her children and her knights will stand under the banner and form a small army which will survive the most difficult exam and in the end will win against the apparently superiority. As Mary predicted it in Fatima: “In the end will triumph my immaculate heart!”
Thus, in all the distresses of life in today’s world, we want to look at the Immaculata with total confidence, following the example of Father Maximilian, Saint Louis and all the saints and according to the words of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux:
“O, whoever you are – because you can see, that you are more drifting in the storm of our time amidst the storms and tempests than one could say you are walking on some savely ground, do not turn away your eyes from the light of the head, if you do not want to go down in the storms.
When the storm will start, which is the temptation, when you will be blown against the cliffs of fear, look up to the star, pray to Mary! When you will be torn away by the waves of arrogance or of ambition or of slander or of jealousy, look up to the star, pray to Mary!
When anger or greed, the craving for flesh try to capsize the small boat of your soul, look up to Mary!
When you are ashamed and feel guilty because your conscience is stained, horrified by the fright of court, in danger of falling in the abyss of sadness, in the precipice of despair – then think of Mary!
In danger and fears, in doubt and hardship think of Mary, pray to Mary! Do not leave her from the rosemunde, do not let her out of your heart! And to have your prayer getting heard, do not cease imitating her life.
When you follow her, you are not getting lost; when you pray to her, you will not despair; when you keep her in your mind, you will not do anything wrong; when she holds your hand, you cannot fall; when she protects you, you do not have to fear anything; when she leads you, you will never become tired; with her assistance you will reach the port!”