The Knights in Chennai

The Knights in Chennai

13 chennaiThe Knights of Chennai celebrated the Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle with Fr. Karl Stehlin on the 21st of December.

We made a pilgrimage to St. Thomas Mount the place where St. Thomas was martyred and spent time praying the Rosary. Later that evening we had the Tridentine Latin Mass in our Chapel and Fr. Stehlin distributed Christmas Hampers to poor Catholic Families. Each hamper contained: 5 kgs of Rice; 1 Kilo Pulses; 1 Litre Oil; A Plum Cake; and Rupees 2000 in cash.

This was how the knights of Chennai celebrated the Christmas season and we were fortunate to have our Spiritual Father with us.

St. Thomas the Apostle is second patron of Fr. Stehlin.

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